Hi guys,
I've really appreciated all the help and support you guys have given me in the past and was wondering if I could have some more encouragement please!
Just had a follow up gyne appointment after a scan showed my right ovary had adhesions and was joined to my womb.
I feel like I had the most unsympathetic doctor in the world, she didn't introduce herself, and said that they believe I have endometriosis and that I would always have this pain, and be in this pain my whole life even if I have the surgery, telling me that the majority of people don't improve and they most likely won't be able to get rid of all the endometriosis without damaging my organs.
I asked her if there was any other options and she was very bleak, saying that it's a chronic pain condition and they can't cure it. She honestly drained me of all hope. I had to lead most of the appointment else there would be silent pauses and when I did ask for more info about the diagnostic lap she said that because of my weight (I am big but not morbidly obese, still live a healthy life style, have an active job and do lots of yoga and walking) I'm a high risk and I need to lose weight before my appointment. I was very open and said I'd happily lose weight but I need help and advice along the process due to my pain, we then spent about 3/4s of the appointment talking about weight loss and I explained that over half the month I'm in agony and it takes too much effort to do high intensity work outs on top of 9 hour shifts at work/ university/placements etc. And she just told me to take pain killers and to get on with it, asking if I "have any other fat friends who i can lose weight with". I asked for pain managing advice and she just told me to carry on with pain killers, asking me why I was crying so much and when I explained I'm struggling with the pain she gave me no help.
I asked her if I might be able to have painless sex after the surgery (I was hoping for at least a possible improvement) and she just said it'll probably start again. Suggesting dialtory therapy to increase the size of my vaginal passage but gave me no indication on how to access this help.
Sorry for the rant I just feel utterly hopeless, I've been sobbing for the past couple hours since I left my appointment. I've seen so many positive posts online but I am just so shocked that a medical professional will leave me with such little hope or help.