I’ve just been told it’s going to be a year on the waiting list for my laparoscopy. I was first told it would be 6months I’m devastated. Myself and husband are trying to have a baby and I can’t see it happening till after the operation. Does any one think it’s worth going private or do I wait? I’ll be 33 in January.
Do I go private : I’ve just been told it’s... - Endometriosis UK
Do I go private

Hey, I've heard the wait times on the NHS are ages and sometimes that's just a diagnostic lap; quite often you'll have to wait again for the lap to remove endo / unstick organs.
I went private with mine for three reasons; the wait times are so much shorter, you can ask for the surgeon to do additional stuff, you will have aftercare as standard.
From my referral to operation was two months. My specialist wanted a laparoscopy right away so he could see what was going on - that was after one appointment. We also added in a hysteroscopy to see anything in my vagina and uterus plus take biopsies. After much discussion we decided it would be good to excise any endo (if any) that was found so that everything was done and I could get on with recovery. My specialist did the lap himself, diagnosed endo, excised it, and unstuck all my pelvic organs. I was a day case -I could stay in if I needed / if they required me to - (didn't have to decide until tea time). My specialist saw me during recovery and again before I left for the evening. I had a sick note for two weeks and he saw me at the end of that should I need it extending, then a follow up 4 months later.
I paid for mine through my work health insurance - if you're not working / work doesn't provide it quite often workplaces will do a spouse healthcare. Some hospitals do a pay by instalments scheme. If I stop work for whatever reason I'd definitely have private healthcare either by myself or on my hubbys work one - hopefully I won't need treatment now for a few years.
Hope this helps / explains stuff. Happy for you to message me for more info / costs etc xx
I was told I would be waiting 6 months for mine, and eventually got offered after nearly 9 months, but it was a cancellation. I would contact your hospital and ask to be put on a cancellation list, and just keep ringing them.
If you go private you may be paying prices
I was waiting 9 months for my lap on the nhs. To go private would have cost £3009 but any extras like if I had to stay overnight etc.
My gynae at spire referred me to his colleague on the nhs. If you have the money, then go private but I had a good experience on the nhs with my surgery and was really looked after etc xxx
Hi Steph, I had my lap 3 weeks ago privately! I have been on the waiting list for NHS for atleast 6 months and wasn’t having any luck with getting my appointment! I had only been referred and not even had a consultation! I went private and within a few days I was booked in to have the lap, the care is second to none. I had to stay in overnight as my body didn’t have a good reaction to the aesthetic and they found quite a lot of endometriosis! Honestly if you can afford to it is the best thing to do, you are guaranteed the best care! Good luck xx
Hi Alex, Glad you got a result in the end, the NHS waiting lists are just too long! I need a laparoscopy to definitely diagnose Endo/Fibroids, but Gynae wants me to have a full hysterectomy following the Lap.
Anyway it feels like a nightmare to me, do you mind me asking which private healthcare hospital group you went with. I am going private on Hubbys insurance - Thx
I used St Joseph’s hospital which is in South Wales, my insurance is with axis! I would highly recommend them, we had the bill through the post this morning, £1500! Luckily we don’t have to pay it but shows the cost if we didn’t have insurance! Good luck lovely xx
Sorry to also add this included an overnight stay because I wasn’t well enough to come home xx
Thx Alex, They say that after Lap you should wear leggings, joggers & slouchy tops in
1 or 2 sizes bigger than normal as your tummy is bloated.
Would you say that this sounds a good idea? Or is it daft 🙃 I hope your recovery is going smoothly & you’ll soon be too top again 😊
Yes they are right, I could only wear baggy tops for the first/second week and leggings if they were sat very low! I am now in jeans but I can’t do the button up as it touches my belly button 🙈 fingers crossed by next week I will be back to normal clothes! Good luck and let me know how you get on!xxx
I had the same issue with the nhs and the goal posts kept changing, eventually they were honest and said it would be over 12 months (at this point I had already waited 8 months and was rapidly going downhill) so went privately, where I had a consultation to op in a month. I had a hard time dealing with the fact that if the NHS had been honest from the outset I would've gone privately months earlier. Wishing you all the best x
I live in Suffolk and I had my consultation and post op the same day in August. I am scheduled for my laparoscopy on November 1st. I did have to call the secretary daily for updates and to push it forward - you won't get anywhere if you don't chase them up! Good luck and hope you are better soon x