Weight gain anyone???: I was told about a... - Endometriosis UK

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Weight gain anyone???

thelanaleigh profile image
11 Replies

I was told about a month ago that I have endometriosis. I have had no treatment...I am just waiting and waiting like so many of you. I just had a question...I have a lot of awful symptoms but one of the really depressing things is that I have gained a SHOCKING amount of weight over the last couple of months in conjunction with the rest of the symptoms getting REALLY bad! I can't find weight gain as a symptom of this condition anywhere but it simply can't have anything to do with my lifestyle because if anything, I am having a really hard time keeping food down! I am vomiting every day, at least once a day, often more! My stomach is so distended that I am basically living in loose dungarees but aside from that, the scale says I have packed on about a stone in the last month! My boobs are HUGE and painful too. Has anyone else had significant weight gain as a result of this condition and if so, was there anything that helped? I am suffering from really severe depression now due to the pain and the weight and not getting the help I need.

Thank you x

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thelanaleigh profile image
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11 Replies
MrsNGoo profile image

I cannot say it is or it isn’t endo related. However there could be a number of other reasons you are gaining weight. Depression can cause u to become less active and therefore could contribute to weight gain but sounds like u are gaining more than you would like. It could be a completely different cause to your gain. It wouldn’t hurt to check it out as a seperate issue. Also endo is known to take part in causing auto immune disorders, and some of them could be the reason to why you may be gaining weight. And one of those disorders is thyroid function. Which is a big cause of weight gain. Just a thought hope u get answers soon xxx

thelanaleigh profile image
thelanaleigh in reply to MrsNGoo

I have had the thyroid checked...had all my bloods done. I eat very little. Strangely, I am much MORE active than I used to be as I got a dog a few months ago and I spend an hour and a half minimum a day walking her! I'm just at a loss! When I'm depressed I tend to lose weight frighteningly. In January I was officially underweight after a stressful move and now I am teetering on overweight! The only other time in my life that I was overweight was after having my first child. I went on a calorie controlled diet and steadily lost weight which I kept off for 12 years. I have been doing the same again but not only am I not losing any weight...I'm GAINING! I'm at a loss! :(

rosesinbloom profile image

Hi there.

I don't have any weight gain, only at my time of the month where my stomach becomes completely distended and my jeans cannot even go near me then. But then I go back to normal. I also have sickness and vomiting, but only on my time of the month again.

Is it possible due o stress when you are able to eat you are stress eating the wrong kinds of food?

If not, go back to the GP, because you shouldn't be vomiting all through the month.

thelanaleigh profile image
thelanaleigh in reply to rosesinbloom

Oh...this is a really sensitive issue! My GP has done a whole lot of NOTHING for me. I was only diagnosed a month ago. Tests were done because of bowel problems and basically they have said that it's so bad that it is obstructing my bowel. I am on a waiting list now to explore just how badly it is impacting my bladder and bowel! In the meantime, the GP just expects me to wait despite the fact that I am vomiting anywhere from 1 to 3 times a day and cannot pass a thing! I think it is total insanity that they can leave me in this condition. I have been unable to carry on working, I hardly sleep at all because I am in so much pain and I have 3 children with special needs to care for! If anything, the medical community have been hostile towards me for being a "pest" by asking when I will see someone! No one will give me an answer :(

MrsNGoo profile image

And to add to my comment I too have noticed I’m packing on the pounds and have super sore boobs. I’m 4 weeks post hysterectomy. I feel as if my hormones r completely out of whack as it’s like having a bloaty sore period. Would be interested to see what others might say. :)

thelanaleigh profile image
thelanaleigh in reply to MrsNGoo

Yeah...my hormones are a mess. I was diagnosed with premature peri menopause 5 years ago and have been on HRT. Since learning about the endo they have taken me off everything until further investigation and further investigation does not look like it is coming anytime soon! This is such a nightmare :(

Kangalou profile image

I have a massive bloated stomach and I’m 2.5 month’s post lap. I am now on decapeptyl. I look pregnant. I can’t work out what drives it - it isn’t always this size, but I seem to have pretty regular bloating.

I hardly eat anything as I never feel hungry these days... but I’m not losing much weight. I assume the bloat is heavy in itself as I can see legs and arms are slimmer. Strange.

thelanaleigh profile image
thelanaleigh in reply to Kangalou

I feel like mine is all bloat too!

I have gained approx. a stone but reduced body fat and my arms, legs face etc are the same as always (I am tall and a UK size 8) I just have a gigantic rock hard stomach - it doesn't wobble and has definition, so I am assuming the cyst I have teamed with inflammation and bloating weigh a lot?! I have changed nothing diet wise, if anything I am eating a bit less, and I am very active. I am on constant birth control which I wonder if is the cause as my body must think it is pregnant?

luthien profile image
luthien in reply to

I don't have the sudden weight gain, I am not nice and slim either! But I have become more active - more sports and have noticed that as the fat goes and the muscles grow I've remained the same weight; doctors said its because muscle is denser than fat so we won't always see a weight loss with increased exercise; the best way to tell is the pinch method and body measurements.

Birth control I found caused weight gain when I was younger, it is a known side effect, the hormones in it cause us to store energy.

I've swapped my carbs for proteins and have found that helps with energy levels, reduces bloating and helps exercise recovery.

Dee11 profile image

I’ve put an a horrendous amount of weight in the past couple of years when my symptoms just seemed to get out of control. Although for me a big part of it was that I couldn’t really move at all due to the pain - walking for more than 5 mins was a no go, so exercise was well out the question!

I don’t know if weight gain is an actual symptom or is linked more to all the hormone treatments (I didn’t get this on certain pills before so who knows) but it’s definitely been worse in line with all my symptoms. I had a lap about 6/7 weeks ago and starting to be able to move “properly” again so I’m hoping this plus a possible new treatment plan might help xx

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