Hello, can anybody advise on how to go about getting endometriosis support? My GP is never able to help and I don't really know where else to go to seek advice on managing my symptoms. All advice welcome. Thank you!
Medical support for endometriosis - Endometriosis UK
Medical support for endometriosis
Hi Buffalou73,
Are you under the care of a consultant? Some hospitals have gynecology nurses, some of which are specialist endometriosis nurses. In between consultant appointments I have been able to make appointments to see the nurse to discuss things like symptoms and treatment.
We have lots of information on our website that you also might find a useful read: endometriosis-uk.org/inform...
Whilst it is not medical advice we also have our support groups and helpline if you ever need someone to talk to: endometriosis-uk.org/get-su...
Best Wishes
M Mary
Volunteer Modertator
Thank you so much for the reply, I really appreciate it. I’m not under the care of a consultant (I was around 8 years ago after my laparoscopy). Do you think I should contact that hospital and see if I can see the same dr? I just hate going via the GP. All they ever do is suggest the Mirena coil!
Hi Buffalou73,
I know with the current Endometriosis Center I am under the care of I can just call up, so it might be worth a try? I did in the past find that a previous consultant at a different hopsital had discharged me so I couldn't then make an appointment directly but had to be re referred via my GP. I'm not going to lie I did have a bit of a fight with my GP in able to be referred but I used the NICE guidelines and also the PALS service and managed to get a referral to my local BGSE endometriosis center (bsge.org.uk/endometriosis-c.... Since then the NICE guidelines have been updated as well: nice.org.uk/guidance/ng73.
Best Wishes
M Mary
Volunteer Moderator
Ask your doctor to refer you to an endo specialist at a hospital. They have a better understanding of the condition and will be able to help you out more xx
Thank you, I'll do that