Not usually one for sharing but a bit wor... - Endometriosis UK

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Not usually one for sharing but a bit worried!

Aleigh247 profile image
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Hi ladies,

To cut a very long story short, about 2 years ago I had an endometrial cyst removed in an emergency surgery. The cyst was 9cm x 14cm and had twisted in my ovary! Lovely! So that was how I found out I had endometriosis. I had always suffered with terrible period pains but just assumed it was normal and I was a wimp. I am lucky (as the doctors keep telling me) that I manage to conceive my son 3 years ago. So after the op the put me on the pill which I took for 3 months before deciding with my OH to try for baby number 2 since it might be a bit of a struggle. It's been over a year of trying and nothing, which I get. Around Christmas time I started to get really bad stomach cramps and the feeling of pressure making me run to the loo (no2) every 15-20 minutes until I'd taken about 3/4 diarrhea relief tablets. This was every day. Went to the Dr's in Feb who referred me to gynaecology outpatients. Well the consultant there was something else. He said on the pictures from my emergency op he could see endo on my ovary (which they wouldn't have touched due to the op being an emergency) but I took the pill for 3 months after so it should have disappeared. He then did an internal exam in which he just put a finger inside and declared I didn't have endo because he wouldn't have been able to put a finger "up there"! Really nice man. Anyway he wanted to refer me to gastro saying I had ibs. I refused and angry cried until I finally got a laparoscopy offered. This was 3 weeks ago and I have had my pre op and appointment through for next Thursday! Thank you brilliant NHS! I've just had an ultrasound scan which the consultant requested and they couldn't see any cysts or growths but when looking at my one kidney she said I had hydronephrosis? So obviously I have Googled the hell out of it and I don't have any symptoms of that at all! Obviously I have it because she could see it but she kept telling me not to worry it will be sorted.... All I'm concerned about (maybe naively) is them cancelling or delaying my laparoscopy. Could it be the endo causing this? I feel like no-one is listening to me or believes me. I feel like the girl who cried endo and I've just made this all up! :(

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