Hi ladies
I haven’t been diagnosed officially with endometriosis, but after experiencing endometriosis-like symptoms (I.e heavy prolonged periods, bleeding after sex, painful bowel movements, lower abdominal and back pain and bloating) my GP advised me to take the pill continuously without the normal 7 day break. I’ve been taking it since September without a break and it has stopped my periods, however, I am still experiencing the other symptoms.
I have been seen at colposcopy twice and my cervix is normal and they cannot explain the bleeding I experience during and after sex. They did find some polyps slightly higher up in my uterus that they couldn’t remove whilst I was awake. I had a tansvaginal and ultrasound scans a couple of weeks ago to confirm the number and location of the polyps, but frustratingly it didn’t detect any. I definitely know that they are there as I was shown them by the nurse during the colposcopy on that delightful telly screen lol!
I have a consultation with the gynaecologist about these findings (or non findings!) next week, and I’m worried that they won’t take me seriously because the scan was clear. I also feel that these polyps could be connected to endometriosis... but I saw my GP yesterday as I was in severe pain with my back and abdomen and he told me that the two were not connected
Anyway, I’m slightly digressing now! The main reason why I am writing this post is to discover if anyone else has been advised to take the normal pill continuously without the usual 7 day break, but has continued to experience symptoms - such as bleeding after sex, spotting, abdominal/back pain and painful bowel movements - even though their periods have stopped?
Thanks for reading and sorry for the long post!