Appetite issues : I am trying desperately... - Endometriosis UK

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Appetite issues

foursimplewords profile image
18 Replies

I am trying desperately to eat healthily and regularly to support my body. However I've really struggled to finish meals and be hungry for 3 meals a day (not due to snacking too much). I'm not on any medication so not a side effect of that.

Is this related to endo? I've just cooked some lunch and couldn't even finish half of it, I feel sick and not hungry:(

Had my gut checked and I don't have an infection that could be causing it.

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foursimplewords profile image
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18 Replies
Kangalou profile image

I wrote a similar post yesterday - i am in exactly the same position with no appetite, feeling uncomfortably full very quickly (and for hours afterwards).

I have been like this since I had my first flare up of severe pelvic pain. This was initially explained by a haemorrhagic cyst, but I had a lap last week and they found stage 2 endo which they excised/ablated.

My appetite hasn’t returned and I’m getting worried...

foursimplewords profile image
foursimplewords in reply to Kangalou

I'm sorry to hear that :( I haven't had my lap yet x

anderson29 profile image

Hi, I’m exactly the same as you... I’ve always had a huge appetite, but since I’ve had bad problems with suspected endo, my appetite has decreased dramatically and I’ve lost loads of weight. I haven’t had a lap yet to confirm, but I’ve had every test under the sun when I was hospitalised and I didn’t have anything else wrong with me, so I believe it’s the endo. Have you had a lap yet? Did you find any difference after it? I hope you find some kind of resolution and feel better soon.

foursimplewords profile image
foursimplewords in reply to anderson29

No lap yet xx

PCollind profile image

It sure is. Haven't had a decent meal in years. Not hungry feel overfull if I happen to drink milk also and end up having stomach upsets if I do manage to swallow something down. Have had surgery 60 days back for 4 stage endometrioma and endo in uterine wall and tubes they removed everything. What is bothering me is this particular issue is not resolved. Get scared to eat almost. Am taking home remedies which did help to some extent. Nigell Sativa tea on empty stomach fenugreek seeds and caraway seeds again boiled in water after lunch. Waiting for improvement have tried all kinds of stuff. All the best.

foursimplewords profile image
foursimplewords in reply to PCollind

sorry to hear you are also suffering :( was this one of your original symptoms pre-lap?

PCollind profile image

Yes it was in fact even more than the endo pain this was bothering me bcoz i lost so much weight and the fatigue of endo is devastating enough without having to deal with low energy levels due to not eating. Endo pain i think we get used to mine was more than 20 years old.

foursimplewords profile image
foursimplewords in reply to PCollind

god the fatigue is just awful isn't it :(

PCollind profile image
PCollind in reply to foursimplewords

Oh yes indescribable and worst thing is noone understands bcoz u don't have anything to show for it even diagnosis seems to take forever. Almost used to feel guilty bcoz everyone starts feeling you are pretending to be sick and tired when nothing is wrong with you. When they opened me up it was a huge mess inside surgery lasted over four hours bowels were involved they didn't have time to go up it was open surgery but suspected adhesions maybe upto the diaphragm. Am worried endo maybe near my intestines also.😥

foursimplewords profile image
foursimplewords in reply to PCollind

I spent most of my weekend sat in a sofa chair unable to move!! It's just a different kind of tired. xx

Hi I had similar issues with appetite and could only take very light or liquid meals due to feeling bloated, nauseaus and sore. It was found during surgery I had endometriosis in my stomach and since this has been removed my appetite has improved considerably. Once you have your lap am sure things will gradually improve for you. Hope you get sorted soon. Take care x

foursimplewords profile image
foursimplewords in reply to

interesting; the gynae couldn't feel any nodules and said the endo may be higher up...that would make sense if it was near my stomach...

MandaBunny profile image

Hi there

I've not been formally diagnosed yet, but all my symptoms point to endo.

I have also struggled with a poor appetite. However, I began taking Pregablin for referred pain and nerve pain related to this. One of the side effects happen to be increased appetite - and that is certainly the case!

Pregablin has also supressed some of the pain, but has not eradicated it completely by any stretch.

In the meantime, like most ladies here, I'm awaiting a laparoscopy.

Maybe chat to your GP about Pregablin if you also have referred pain?

Take care xx

foursimplewords profile image
foursimplewords in reply to MandaBunny

thank you xx unfortunately i have tried pregabalin for my migraine issues and it made me really depressed. I hope it works for you I've heard it's either amazing or not for you xx

MandaBunny profile image

I'm sorry to hear that. It works to a certain extent and I can cope with day to day living, but when the pain is at it's worst, I have to resort to Cocodamol. But that makes me lethargic!

I'm also trying Turmeric to see if that helps?

I really hope you can control it. Chronic pain has a negative impact on your mood too. Xx

Em11235 profile image

I have had the exact same issue with my appetite! The fatigue was nearly unbearable for me until I started tracking my protein. My goal is at least 80 g/day, so far though I'm lucky to get even 65-70 g in on a "good" day 🙃🙃🙃

I've started forcing myself to drink 1-2 vegan protein shakes a day and I'll also throw a teaspoon or so of Coconut oil in my coffee throughout the day just to get something in my body. I'll also make Chia seed drinks out of a tablespoon of Chia seeds(really good source of protein, healthy fats) , strawberries (or whatever fruit you want), lime juice, mint and ginger if I have it, some soda water and a little bit of sugar or honey to taste. I haven't been able to eat meat (makes me feel horrrrrrible) so I've found that quinoa, Lentils, Hummus w pita bread, Greek yogurt are all good high protein foods that are relatively easy on my stomach.

The goal is to make everything I put in my body beneficial. Buuuut, the reality is, most days I feel so horrible I'll go all day without eating and then have a couple chicken bouillon cubes straight out of the box or a gatorade to keep me from getting too shaky/dizzy, and then maybe have some kind of sweet treat as well bc that's all I have the stomach for. So it never goes exactly how I plan it lol but what can you do, you have to just kind of roll with it.

All the best to you❤❤❤❤❤ hopefully you'll find something that'll help you feel better! I think all of us here know how much it truly sucks lol🙄🙄😥😥

victoriakaren profile image

Better 3 years later than never I suppose eh?, I'm an Endo sufferer & recently noticed how sick I feel all the time, I make lush food but can't eat it , I have hunger pangs but can't bare to eat !I asked my GP for some solution to this, He prescribed me 40sips (strawberry shakes) to help get nutrients in my body. I'm a comfortable 14/16 & don't seem to be loosing any weight considering barely any food input... Now, I don't want to keep living like this on Nutrient Shakes, I came across smoking a certain herb & my world has completely changed for the better. My mental health has done a complete U-turn (for the better) I'm redoing my GCSEs at the ripe age of 36, Got myself a job interview coming up for Nurse Assistant, My confidence is unreal right now :D

I'm praying this is my break!

After all I'll be in the right place if Endo wants to kick off Haaaa!

I'm unsure it's allowed for me to put about the 'Herb but in all honesty , It's saved me!

Judge as you will.

Peace out guys

Endosufferer1 profile image
Endosufferer1 in reply to victoriakaren

You mean CBD? It's preferable to take it in oil.

Not what you're looking for?

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