Normally I just sit and cry in a ball and wait until I fall asleep when my period pain is bad (and wait for my painkillers to fail to work...haha). I've been speaking to a fellow sufferer and she has said that if they admit you, you can sometimes get an IV for the pain and even an MRI. For those who have gone to A&E with the pain - what happened? do you take you seriously if you say you've got severe period pain?
hospital with the pain?: Normally I just... - Endometriosis UK
hospital with the pain?

There has been two occasions where I was in serve pain, crying on the floor rolling around in pain, I was admitted given morphing through IV and had scans etc. Don’t sit in pain, if you feel like you need to go hospital. Go! Wish you all the best x
Aww nooo
I've not been that bad so can't advise, but as Chloefarrr1234 says go to hospital if you feel you need to.
I get period pains, and my specialist said if you can and know when you're period is due you can preload your pain medication before it gets bad, I didn't know that! So I'll try that this month, I know there's no harm. He says it means the body already has pain relief in the blood at the right levels so when the pain starts it can cope with it better. He said it may not get rid of it but it will help a lot more than waiting for it to take effect - which may require a higher dose quicker, sometimes that's just too high to take. See if that's something you can do?
thank you, I think it's the ibuprofen/NSAIDs that can reduce the prostaglandins which can help reduce pain xx
I know it's mild but I'm on paracetamol 1g and ibuprofen 400mg together (over the counter strength) together four times a day and can take it for up to 10 days continuously - advised by my specialist. I've started mine four days before my period, usually by now I'm already in pain with two days to go.
I wouldn't want to go to hospital as I'm not a fan of addictive painkillers such as morphine or codeine; codeine I already have side effects on withdrawal after 24 hours. I've been in before for something else and was given paracetamol on a drip that worked amazing, I'm guessing it's because it's straight into your bloodstream and a higher dose??
Why dont u go to dr and get naproxen there better for u then ibuprofen and work better, there slow releasing and u just take one in morning and 12 hour later another one.
Also like farah says above if u know ur due on start taking them three days before this is what i do and it works not so much the painkillers the naproxen i do.
I recently went to A&E due to the pain I was in couldn't keep food down and was struggling to go to the toilet. I had blood taken and got sent home as my bloods were ok. I'm still in a lot of pain today and painkillers are not working at all. I felt like the doctor wasn't taking me seriously.
You should check painkillers and side effects, some are known to cause stomach upsets, vomiting, stomach ulcers, that would all just make you feel worse
Doctors don't like handing out painkillers as the addiction rates are high but unfortunately sometimes we do need them and then they are hard to get hold of.
I'm going to look at alternative pain relief like acupuncture, aromatherapy, reflexology and massage
I’ve ended up in A and E twice because of endo.... but both times it was a genuine emergency as I had torsion of large chocolate cysts which cut off the blood supply to my ovaries. On the first occasion the torsion resolved itself and pain relief was given, second time torsion resolved itself again but I was scanned on gynae ward and admitted overnight. During ovarian torsion I genuinely felt like I was going to die as the pain felt so catastrophic, I literally couldn’t talk, and was apparently white as a sheet and sweating profusely. The second time it was more serious as after the torsion resolved I developed a deep vein thrombosis as a result of the blood flow restriction. Personally I DON’T think you should be using A&E for fast tracking to scans and pain relief unless your pain level or symptoms are such that you are genuinely fearful that you are in an emergency situation. Chances are you will not come across any kind of gynae or endo specialist in A&E. Keep rattling at the door of your gp though, as it’s unacceptable to be in such terrible pain. You really do have my sympathy. X