Hey guys, i was just wondering if any of you have found any good ways to control pain? In so much pain any ideas will be a great help! 💛
Pain control : Hey guys, i was just... - Endometriosis UK
Pain control

Hello Brittany Ella,
Pain is a right pain. I try to get organised when I’m not in pain. I ensure I have my dosset box pre stocked with codeine and paracetamol all boxed up, each three hours, with a tramadol to ‘look forward to’ at the end of the day.
I print monthly period planners and write down when I took my dose. Write any feelings, reprieve of pain etc.
I set an alarm to go off every 2.5hours. I take the dosage regardless of if I’m in pain. It’s better to have the drugs in my system, as my consultant said to me.
Sleep on a heat pad. If I wake in pain I turn the heat pad back on and this can soothe me back to sleep after taking more painkillers.
Distraction is key. If I can’t get back to sleep I make sure I have my iPad charged and some decent things to watch, scrabble to play etc. Sudoku books are a lifesaver.
But for immense pain I practise deep breathing (labour pains breathing, I think. In with good, out long deep blows with bad energy).
Walking or rocking can help sometimes. I do laps of the room or house when I can manage it. My husband leads me, holds my hand, turns it into a distracting journey (mindfulness?!).
After each period I plan to properly get out and walk or run the pain away, but the clots are too painful and mean I feel I need to be near the toilet constantly. But one day I will try and lap the block!
Exercise does seem to help, but that might just be moving legs, off the side of the bed.
I will look forward to following your thread as I am keen to develop new coping mechanisms for the pain myself.
Stay warm and positive,
K x
Hi BE, it’s so difficult as pain is so subjective and I deal quite well with it so a 10 for me could have been my 5 for someone else. I think feeling in control is important. I have a vast array of prescription options available to me and will slowly ramp up strengths and powers if needs be.
Also hot baths, hot water bottles, my electric blanket and hot baths help me out. I also think it’s inportant to take the time to recognise you need some me time - go for a nice meal, or have a nice pamper session if you feel up to it, or if you don’t watch a film with your duvet and a tub of ice cream. Recognising that your pain is your own and that no one else can puppy understand it really helped me in taking control of my own self esteem!
Hi try to keep up with painkillers, I take ibuprofen 600mg 3times a day and paracetamol in between, unfortunately I cannot take codeine as it makes me sick. A warm wheat bag helps me or a nice warm bath. It angers me so much that we are all suffering like this!! Hopefully for me I’ll be able to have my hysterectomy soon and that should help me! My daughter suffers too and I worry she’s going to go through what I’ve been through for over 20 years!! Hope your pain eases.
my pain flares up during the first two days of my period. For me it's painkillers like clockwork -prescribed co-codamol (w/ dulcoease so it doesn't upset my tum), mefenamic acid or diclofenac, plus epsom salt baths (helps get magnesium into the muscles which helps them to relax) and I have a TENS machine too. I am going to try castor oil packs this time around as I've heard they can help.
I have tried yoga as well, but in my most severe pain I can't even bear to move anything attached to my pelvis!
Try acupuncture it worked for me x
I take codine or zapain and have hot baths or use hot water bottle also rocking and distraction but not pain free just try and manage it i can not take any ibuprofen or any muscle relaxers as it causes more pain as they effect your bowls so causes you to gain extra pain disolvable paracetamol r good hits pain straight away