Hi ladies. It’s been a while since I last posted however I will keep it sort and I need as many replies as possible even if it isn’t seen as ‘useful’
If you look back as my past posts, I had been to a gynaecologist who told me to get either the coil or the injection and come off the POP pill. I got told by a doctor not to get the injection as I am not 18 and it increases the risk of bone cancer. I then am absolutely petrified of the thought of getting the coil.
I am confused and worried as I have a check up appointment at the gynaecology with the same doctor and I feel like with me not trying either options she will just dismiss me completely. I am experiencing the exact same symptoms: cramps, collapsing, migraine, excessive bleeding, back pain and leg pain. I need opinions on what I exactly say to the gynaecologist about NOT trying either options. I feel like I am too young (17) to be trying the coil. I’ve been so so emotional about this whole experience.