Mental breakdown: Just finished a 12.5 hour... - Endometriosis UK

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Mental breakdown

tinkerbell971 profile image
16 Replies

Just finished a 12.5 hour shift in work and I’m on the bus home literally about to have a mental breakdown. I’ve been in so much pain these last few days it’s just all getting on top of me. Everything seems to just be getting worse and worse since my lap in September and I can’t cope anymore.

Yesterday I went to the museum with my boyfriend and by the time I got home I couldn’t walk without being in pain i was completely worn out. A couple of years ago I would of been able to do that 10 times and still not be worn out.

Honestly debating calling in sick to work tomorrow because I just can’t cope anymore I’m 20 and feel like I have the body of a 80 year old😩

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tinkerbell971 profile image
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16 Replies
Amyjane88 profile image

Aww I'm so sorry your having a hard time . I do hope you feel better . I live with chronic pain every day after 4 failed spinal fusions. It really does get you down when your in pain all day. I find even if I have not done much I'm so tiered just dealing with the pain .

Sending hugs xx

tinkerbell971 profile image
tinkerbell971 in reply to Amyjane88

Yes definately. Thank you sending hugs to you too x

Puttingonaface profile image

Feel for u sending u a big hug x

cmbxm profile image

Self care is so important, if you feel that you need to take a day for yourself, do it, you can’t do your job properly if you burn yourself out first, or make yourself even iller, sending hugs hun x

tinkerbell971 profile image
tinkerbell971 in reply to cmbxm

Thank you. I’ve took the day off work and I’m glad I have because I’m still in a lot of pain today. Booked a doctors appointment for Friday x

RachieMcG profile image

So sorry to hear you're feeling like this but I know exactly how you feel and honestly a day or two off will do you the world of good. I found myself in a similar situation pre-endo diagnosis, so mentally I had no idea what was going on other than I just couldn't cope anymore. I was on the bus to work and I just got off and took my time walking home, booked into the doctors and spent the next two days in bed. It was all about self care and just taking time for me and my body. Nowadays it's so easy to get caught up in the business of life and work but on top of that dealing with endo symptoms is extremely mentally challenging. It is so important to take personal time (even if you feel fine) to relax, I strongly believe this is the most important part to maximizing wellness. Hope you feel back to yourself soon xx

tinkerbell971 profile image
tinkerbell971 in reply to RachieMcG

That’s so true. I think sometimes we forget that we have to give our body a chance to heal especially when we have busy lives. Thank you xx

BellLady profile image

I'm so sorry ! Check into a chiropractor. After my surgery I still had terrible pain in my back that radiated into my legs it was excruciating and made standing and walking so painful. Turns out it was sciatica pain very common with Endo and reproductive system issues. Go find a good chiropractor more holistic if you can. It took my pain away. I hope this helps you. Praying for you, I know the feeling ! I feel 80 some days too! Diet can play a big role in Endo also. If you limit dairy and meat (get rid of it all if possible) it can help a lot with pain. Do it for a month and I know you'll see a difference with your next period. It's addicting when you start feeling better you'll want to stay away from the foods. It's the hormones in the dairy and meat that feed our endo. Endo runs on estrogen. Also gluten can play a role in pain it's an inflammatory so it causes swelling. If you have bowel issues whether stopped up or diarrhea your probably allergic to dairy or wheat or both. Endo sufferers tend to have food allergies it's goes hand in hand luckily though cutting the food out can bring much relief if that's the case. I avoid all 3 and have come a LONG way on the pain scale my doing so.

God Bless you take care!

tinkerbell971 profile image
tinkerbell971 in reply to BellLady

I’ll look into the chiropractor. I’ve been eating gluten free for about a month now and can’t really see a difference. I’ve been doing dairy free on certain foods such as cheese or yoghurt etc but struggling on doing dairy free when some gluten free food contains dairy. I do need to try and be a bit more stricter on the dairy free but it’s hard when I’m working 12 hour shifts 4 days a week. Thanks for the info hope your ok xx

BellLady profile image
BellLady in reply to tinkerbell971

Be careful of cheese replacements being soy soy is an estrogen which will make your symptoms worse :/. I know it's very hard. I find making meals at the beginning of the week helpful and having plenty of healthy snacks available (cut up fruits, veg, granola bars, nuts,popcorn,) so I don't get tempted for something bad. Red meat is the main meat you need to avoid. Poultry and seafoods are fine. Not sure if I defined that before. Red meat and pork is a no no too. I hadn't eaten red meat or pork for the first year after my surgery then I got lax and felt the hubby would like some ribs or pork chops for a change we had pork 3/4 times in one week and it was my most painful period since before my surgery :(. So be careful. I notice when I start sneaking red meat and pork in my pain comes back :/. There's a great choc nice cream recipe that uses cocoa,honey,almond milk,banana, and pb and ice. It's delicious and sure cures a ice cream craving.

tinkerbell971 profile image
tinkerbell971 in reply to BellLady

I find it so hard because I don’t like fruit or veg so I struggle trying to find things which I can actually eat I’m limited to the free from isle in Asda 😭. I don’t really eat any red meat I only really eat chicken x

BellLady profile image
BellLady in reply to tinkerbell971

Well that's good that you don't eat much red meat. Hmm well all I can suggest is try new things you may like some fruit and veg you didn't know about :). You might be surprised :) good luck though.

jackie92 profile image

don't give up.....i had the same pain until i had my first baby...the hormones took care of it, but did not cure the problem.....i had endo the entire time because stress messed up the hormones and with the imbalance between estrogen and progesterone brought it back again and again...stop the laps, have kids, and then get a complete hysterectomy. i know it sounds radical but with endo sufferers it is the only way until medical science can come up with the solution.

tinkerbell971 profile image
tinkerbell971 in reply to jackie92

I don’t think I’ll be having a hysterectomy yet I don’t even want to think about that as I’m only 20. Thanks anyway

jackie92 profile image
jackie92 in reply to tinkerbell971

not now, dear, in your thirties... ...for the time being, you could find a good ob gyn who understands these problems...there are good ones who know how to balance the hormones to make the endo issues go away. also please address any stress issues. stress is terrible on our monthly cycles.

JOSANDY40 profile image

Are you on drugs for your illness? Overdoing any exercise can bring on exhaustion suddenly. You need to pace your life. Don't expect to do what others of your age do. Unfortunately this illness isn't something that makes you look ill then suddenly you look terrible. No one can see IT. I found very little sympathy from others, saying it's all in my head, but operations, serious adhesions show the specialists why. Even my partner was shocked as as he put it you look great on the outside! Good Luck x

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