What is a bsge centre? I'm going to try get referred to one at my next gp appointment but will they be any better than my gynaecologist?
What is a bsge centre? I'm going to try get referred to one at my next gp appointment but will they be any better than my gynaecologist?
Hello Emma, they are accredited centres with gynaes that are specialists in diagnosing and treating endometriosis. Many of these centres have multi-disciplinary teams for example gynae specialists on urology (i.e. useful for bladder endo), pain management teams (to assist with supplementary treatment of endo), gastro specialists (also applicable to endo that affects GI tract and when endo symptoms cross over between reproductive and digestive systems). They work as a team (in some cases) in order to help the patient obtain a more customised & effective course of treatment.
They have different types of ultrasound & MRI equipment (more advanced), so for example some centres will not accept any previous ultrasound test results you have obtained, unless the procedures have been carried out in their facilities and by one of their accredited specialists. They will carry out fresh tests on you so they have updated evidence on your individual case.
Although, laparoscopy is still the only effective way of diagnosis for this condition, as you well know.
I still do not have personal experience of them myself, but will do very soon (1st appointment next week), so happy to share my feedback with you as I progress, if you would like that.
I had two surgeries at the big bsge centre in london after being diagnosed with severe disease by general gynae. They are tertiary centres set up specially to treat women with severe disease (not anyone with endo as is sometimes believed). The surgeons are more highly skilled and have to carry out a certain number of the most complex surgeries each year (excision of rectovaginal endo) in order to be accredited. They treat bowel and bladder endo and it will often be as part of a multidisciplinary team.
The list is here: bsge.org.uk/centre/
Most of them are NHS.
Yeah I do have endo, I got diagnosed in December but my gynaecologist isn't helping me so I'm going to try get referred x
Do you know how severe your disease is? Generally they do not see women who have mild disease but if you have it on your bladder or bowel then a referral might be a good idea.
Iv never been told how bad mine is, just that I had three patches last year. Iv already looked into the hospital and they treat all stages but thanks x