I am so relieved. I had my lap yesterday (woke up from it about 15hrs ago). I realised something must have gone on because I was called in at 10 and sedated/under by quarter past and the doctor was always adamant I wouldn't be in more than 30 mins unless she found something and she didn't think she would yet i was out of the op at 12ish. Well... She did!!! I have endo like I have been arguing since I was 10 and I'm 20 in less than 2 months!! (Wouldn't have always been endo just chronic pain). I've had it blamed on my nerves, on constipation, on sexual abuse (even though I've never been abused they thought I was lying - really hated that gyne). I was seen at St Michael's and it's an endo centre and it was the specialist doing the op along with some student doctors.
I had a nodule of endo removed, another mass removed to unstick my (Right?) Ovary, they believe I have some sort of cyst in my left ovary but couldn't remove as I hadn't given permission (again I think simply because all my ultrasounds etc never showed any issues so I don't think she was expecting anything - they never seem to completely believe me). And the back of my womb is stuck to my bowel completely - she is hoping this isn't a problem at the moment and I will be seen in the endo clinic at the next available app probs in the new year and see if the pain has improved. If it has then I guess we will just wait and see but if it hasn't then she said we need to discuss planning a bigger operation alongside a bowel specialist. I also had my mirena removed as that's been causing me issues since I got it in in February. That's one of the reasons many of the doctors have used to argue that nothing gyne was wrong... simply because if I had endo it should have reacted to at least one of the contraceptives I've been on but I've tried telling them... most work for up to a year but my body seems to get fed up of it after that time and then the bleeding starts again... although the pain never stopped throughout the whole process.
I am so happy... all these years of not being believed by anyone. Having to argue that my pains really are more than the normal period pains. Getting in trouble with schools all the time due to poor attendance because I couldn't manage the pain and the doctors wouldn't help. It's done.. the hard part for me is over. Now I have a diagnosis so much is solved for me and I am almost in disbelief because I've had it drilled into me for so long that I'm overreacting that I really started to believe it. I've seen so many gps and gynes and I am so glad I ended up with the one I have now (by accident as I randomly clicked a hospital out of 4 choices) as she has taken me more seriously than the others I've had. Not completely but still better.
Only problem I had in recovery was weeing. I drank as soon as I was awake before I was even taken back to the recovery room. Had a biscuit when I got back and slowly ate more and drank A LOT. But the weeing just wasn't happening and I was terrified I wouldn't be able to go home as even the nurses were remarking about it. I had my overnight bag but I just wanted to go home with my partner and be comfortable. I eventually managed it and as soon as I did I was out within 20 mins it was great haha.
I'm finding myself pretty mobile although sore, but I have no choice because I am weeing for Britain over these past few hours since getting home and it's interrupting my sleep getting up and down and up and down! The gas pain is annoying but the peppermint tea is a saviour - but the boyf is asleep in his room atm so tramadol will have to make do. Honestly the sore throat is the worst of it my throat is so swollen and red/scratched. It felt disgusting and still does.
Sorry for the crazy long post I just needed to vent and celebrate as I don't have many people irl that I can talk to about this.
I can finally officially say - I have endo - I am not overreacting and it is amazing to be part of such a phenomenal group of ladies who all support each other.
Thank you thank you thank you!
Ps sorry if something is misspelt or doesn't make sense I am exhausted as didn't manage to sleep in recovery and barely slept since getting home!!