I am 25 years old have had right shoulder pain for 2 years now starts a day or two before my period thats the only reason why i know its even coming. Endometriosis is the only thing that I've read that explains everything that i feel for that week. I dread my period every month brings me to tears and does hurt to breath sometimes. I've read that alot of people don't believe them so i don't really wanna waste my time going to doctors for them to turn me down and think im crazy. I've been to the hospital told me was muscle spams and sent me home with muscle relaxers i was so mad cause they didn't even try makes me not wanna go back and waste my time trying to figure any of this out. Anyways what i wanna know is this something that could kill me if i don't get it taken care of?
Right shoulder pain: I am 25 years old have... - Endometriosis UK
Right shoulder pain

Hi, sounds horrible. Do you get other kinds of pain too? I'm just thinking that if you go to your GP with typical endo pain, then you should be investigated for endo. If you have it, then the next question for the doctors would be whether it explains your shoulder pain too.
Endo is a long term condition, so not likely to kill you but very likely to get worse if left. Not that the treatments are that great, but there are things you can try.
Haven't really been to one since i had my youngest he's 5 now
I have this right arm pain! Sometimes it's so bad by night time my whole arm aches and my fingers tingle. Physio not helping much. I also have lower back pain 24/7 (varies in severity) pain during sex, pain into top of legs/pelvis, really heavy periods lasting over a week, chronic fatigue, palpitations the list goes on. GP unhelpful. I can't help much but I can sympathise it's very frustrating and almost makes me feel like I'm going mad!!
Hi, I used to get that when I had my periods. It was pretty bad and often unberable. I have coil in and also on pills. I think it will be a good idea to discuss it with your GP. I would try to be referred to Gynea while try to stop periods with mirena or progesterone only pills. Good luck!