I haven't yet been diagnosed with Endometriosis but I'm on the waiting list for a Laparoscopy. I have many symptoms that point to it being Endo. I have an almost constant cramp sensation that a lot of the time means I cannot walk or do anything. I have never experienced pain like this. I vomit when the pain is too intense, I have back ache, I sometimes get a pain in my leg, I bleed between periods (that's a new symptom for me), I've always had irregular periods and I am ALWAYS tired!! No matter how much I sleep.
I just wanted to ask others if the bleeding is really that normal if you have Endo? It happened very suddenly the other day and I hadn't realised until going to the toilet and it just poured out of me. Sorry for details but I was so scared when it first happened as I'd never bled so suddenly and so heavy. Yet my periods are extremely heavy and painful. This was different, it wasn't period blood, it was just blood with a few clots. Again, sorry for details but I just want to understand more about what is happening.
I have researched Endometriosis a lot but I want to hear from people that are actually experiencing it. Thank you in advance for anyone that could help.