Dr Christian --- cysts.: Did anyone watch... - Endometriosis UK

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Dr Christian --- cysts.

RexyTony69 profile image
14 Replies

Did anyone watch that programme with Dr Christian where a woman was trying for another baby but had 2 miscarriages??? She underwent some tests etc and when the specialist read out the results I was shocked how he just said " you've cysts on your ovaries, a cluster of them, but that's nothing" and carried on to say there's no reason why she can't get pregnant etc etc.

I was so angry on him saying the cluster of cysts are nothing, and just sweeping it under the carpet. Yes, maybe they're not anything to be concerned about at the min but as we all are aware, cysts can turn into endo and have devastating effects. Why do these specialists not treat cysts like the time bomb they can be? Hopefully, maybe, hers may just vanish but what are the chances of that? Hmmmmm!!! My friend started with a small cyst, specialist didn't do a thing. A year later she looked 9 months pregnant and was in agony with endo. The cyst had grown to the size of a football. They had to do a hysterectomy .... She's childless and depressed. WAKE UP Dr's, and treat endo with some care please!!!

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RexyTony69 profile image
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14 Replies
shazlovesevo profile image

Hey hun, I've recently been told that I have cysts on my ovaries (I have Stage 3 endo) I was told that they are follicle cysts. They occur when the follicles in your ovary tries to release an egg but the follicle keeps on growing and turns into a cyst. My consultant said they they are very common and most women will develop them over time, that they are no cause for concern and they just go away on their own.

Could that be the type of cyst he was referring to?xx

RexyTony69 profile image
RexyTony69 in reply to shazlovesevo

Hiya Shaz, yes it may well be the ones he was talking about but in my experience those common cysts always seem to turn into endo. I started the same way. I don't think anyone should leave cysts to do what they want. Thousands of woman get them and never know but ....

RexyTony69 profile image
RexyTony69 in reply to RexyTony69

....... In later life these blighters always seem to turn into endo. Everyone I've met with harmless cysts, later on have had problems. This day and age there should be a big awareness cos a lot of women just don't know how these can later affect them in life xxxxx

RexyTony69 profile image
RexyTony69 in reply to RexyTony69

Oh and yes they may go away in time but then they fill back up.... More come.... Then in most cases turn into endo and different cysts start like Fimbrial etc. Us woman seem to get a raw deal on our insides lol. xxx

aimee1990 profile image
aimee1990 in reply to RexyTony69

i agree with you. i started with a cyst in 14' laparoscopy in 15' (nothing found) two years on STILL having problems, nobody listens, problems have got 1 million times worse and waiting for my second lap!! at my wits end, zero problems before my cyst.

RexyTony69 profile image
RexyTony69 in reply to aimee1990

Wishing you all the best Aimee and hope you get some treatment soon. As your aware cysts are a nightmare and only get worse. Good luck huni xxxxx

SEB88 profile image

I had a follicle cyst, it popped between the 2 scans. That was around 4 yrs ago. 18 mths later 8cm endo cyst on the same side :-(

RexyTony69 profile image
RexyTony69 in reply to SEB88

I rest my case. So sorry to hear that huni. How you doing? Any trouble with it? Daft question really. xxx

SEB88 profile image
SEB88 in reply to RexyTony69

Hi, not its not daft. 8cm cyst removed, mirena was put it but it didnt agree. Not been doing too well, Came off hormones as ttc since July, no luck. I now have another 7cm cyst, bilateral bowel involvement along with my previous obliterated pod. I have ibs symptoms due to the bowel. Xx

RexyTony69 profile image
RexyTony69 in reply to SEB88

Oh huni, I hear ya, yeah I got IBS too because of it. Cysts can absolutely wreck your life, they certainly have mine. I get so wound up when Dr's say "pah, it's just a little 9cm cyst, pop a painkiller and get on with it" makes my blood boil. What they doing about your new cyst?? xxx

SEB88 profile image
SEB88 in reply to RexyTony69

I wont know until 4th may :-(

RexyTony69 profile image
RexyTony69 in reply to SEB88

Oh bless ya, keep me updated xxx

Caveo profile image
Caveo in reply to RexyTony69

I TOTALLY agree!!! I could scream every time I get told 'oh it's just another cyst' or 'oh they're normal' or 'oh they won't cause you any pain'!!!! Arghhhhh!!! Well, as a matter of fact THEY DO CAUSE ME PAIN and since last year almost every scan I've had (barring one) show that I have recurring cyst's on my left ovary and now I I'm getting them on my right ovary too!!! I know exactly when I have one as YES they do cause me pain. Why oh why do doctors/Gynae's look at you like you're imagining they cause you pain????

RexyTony69 profile image
RexyTony69 in reply to Caveo

Exactly!! Just reading your post has brought on the pulsating throbbing pain. What it is, most gyne surgeons are men so they have no idea what a cyst feels like!!!! xx

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