Hi I am new to the site and have just had a laparoscopy and they found widespread endometriosis which they have treated. I feel so tearful and feel like no one apart from on here understand what I am going through. X
Just diagnosed with endometriosis - Endometriosis UK
Just diagnosed with endometriosis

I remember when I was first diagnosed I found it really tough going emotionally. But this forum and researching the condition online helped me feel informed and in control.
To an extent only other ladies with endometriosis will fully understand what you're going through. That's why it's so important to have support from other ladies with the condition.
Do you want to share a bit of your history of dealing with the condition and your treatment plan now? X

Thanks for responding so quickly. I have had pain for around eight years and kept going back and forward to doctors who said it was normal for women to have pain. I have also had a year of constantly having UTIs and no one has been able to help me.
I asked to be referred privately to a gynaecologist who eventually agreed to do a laparoscop and have a look for endometriosis even though I have said all along with my symptoms that's what I think it is. Anyway I had my operation yesterday and they have found it on my ovary, bladder and bowel and in between them. They have removed all areas and now I am back home.
I want to try for a baby so they said that I can't be on any other medication to control the endometriosis coming back.
I have also got an appointment to see a urologist about potentially being in my bladder too as lots of utis, urgency and pain in bladder.
I am pleased one part has been sorted out I guess I am just frustrated that no one listens to us when we are experiencing the pain.
I am hoping the urologist will want to take me in to have a look around but as I don't have private medical anymore I will probably have to wait a while. Just so upset as it feels never ending.
So sorry for pouring my heart out here as I know you all have a lot going on too xx
Don't apologise, that's what we're here for It sounds like you've had a really tough time in fighting for your diagnosis. It also took a long time for me (18 years) from first seeing my GP about the symptoms to diagnosis by laparoscopy. It's far too long and I was also told "it's just how some women are". I realise now that those "some women" have endometriosis
Good luck with your recovery. I had my first lap in Feb well enough to start trying for a baby in June, period arrived today with avengence X x
Hi Hopful82 sorry your period arrived. It's so horrible the things we have to go through. Doesn't help the fact that my husband and I aren't getting along. He seems always angry at me at the moment.