Lap- impact on fertility: Does a... - Endometriosis UK

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Lap- impact on fertility

Oxfordendo2016 profile image
6 Replies

Does a Laparoscopy impact your fertility? I hear that every time you have one it creates lots of scar tissue and can be bad for fertility. Given we are trying this worries me but the alternative pain is also a concern. feel like I am stuck between a rock and a hard place..

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6 Replies
Minnie1128 profile image

Hi, It's depends why you are having the lap. If you have Endo removing it during a lap can improve fertility. If you have ovarian cysts as part of your Endo then having them excised may impact ovarian reserve. There is always the chance that scar tissue can have an impact but it's about weighing up the pros and cons. Many specialists will recommend surgery if you haven't managed to fall pregnant after ttc xx

aprildanita profile image


I notice your username is Oxfordendo - I live in Oxford :)

I am also trying to get pregnant and feel stuck and pretty worried about it all. We can't take all these medications to help with pain and the growth of Endo whilst we are trying!

I met with my Dr last week as I've got a lot of pain again and have been trying for over a year now to have a baby with no luck.

My MRI results showed the Endo is back and my Dr recommended another Lap surgery (this will be my third in 18 months) - This should improve my chances of getting pregnant, especially in the first 6 months after surgery. I'm hoping this helps both my pain and my chances of conceiving!

How long have you been trying for?

And have you been told you need Lap surgery?

Best wishes

Oxfordendo2016 profile image
Oxfordendo2016 in reply to aprildanita

Just wrote you this really long response and then i blooming pressed cancel instead of post!

I am seeing a specialist at the JR - are you? I am waiting for them to tell me if it is just a lap or the removal of cells. we have only been trying for 5 months so I am basically a laughable case at the doctors as they don't seem to want to hear from anyone until after a few years of trying (even if you do suffer with issues). I do 'get it' that I need to wait and keep trying but I feel like they talk to me like a child when it comes to me worrying about my fertility.

I havent had the dye one. I have had a pelvic ultrasound though. What does the dye do?

aprildanita profile image
aprildanita in reply to Oxfordendo2016

Oh no!

Yes I'm at the JR too - although I'm so fed up with them now sending me back and fourth and the ridiculously long waiting list for surgery, I actually went to the Manor private hospital last week. They can do my surgery as early as next month but it comes with a huge price tag. I can't wait another 6 months for the NHS to have surgery so I will be going down the private route.

You aren't laughable, you should be treated fairly but I completely understand where you are coming from. It does feel like they don't want to hear about our issues but it's such a horrible disease that we should be taken seriously. Infertility is one of the main symptoms of Endo and I was told by a specialist nurse that if you are trying to get pregnant with Endo that you can be considered for IVF after 1-2 years. So you should treated the same as someone who has been trying for longer. They should be more understanding to women with Endo when they tell us 'get pregnant, that will help your symptoms' then don't want to help you when you are ready to start a family.

I found that I was putting myself and my body under so much pressure to get pregnant and I really think that plays such a big part in it all. I downloaded all the apps, read books, researched websites, drove myself do-lally! It's so hard isn't it.

My MRI scan didn't have dye - They gave me a settling solution, it basically keeps everything still in your pelvic area so the images are clearer. My Dr said that MRI scans show more than an ultrasound will but whatever it shows, times it by 2. Lap surgery is the only way to see exactly what's going on so I wouldn't put it off completely especially if you're trying for a baby. If there's lots of Endo in there - it's just going to be blocking the road to pregnancy.

If you go to your GP you should be able to be referred to a fertility specialist, that's going to be my next step once I've had surgery if I'm still struggling to conceive.

Sorry for the essay!!

Oxfordendo2016 profile image
Oxfordendo2016 in reply to aprildanita

No.. thank you- it's really helpful. It's hard to know whether to read everything to equip yourself or just take it as it comes. I am a control freak so I think I prefer to read up.

I am going to focus on my health now, as in diet and focus on what products I put on my body. I have stated using only organic products (where possible) as they have no zenoestrogens in. and I will also now start yoga. I am already fit and go to the gym most days so that is good. I also think some meditation could help.

I also looked into the manor but my PMI wont cover me as it's an existing condition so i too would have to pay. It's expensive isnt it. Though I can assure you they will treat you so well. I had my first one private and they were amazing.

Endometriosis itself cause scar tissue, which then causes infertility.

The endo will fuse to different areas of the body and at the time of menstruation they bleed but like a pimple, you get a scar and they spread having no where for the blood or tissue to go inside the body.

That being said in most cases laproscopy will help with infertility however if done improperly it won't remove the tissue entirely (they burn the top part off) and it'll continue to fester.

Endometriosis can grow anywhere in the body, however the reproductive organs it can effect are the: Uterus, Ovaries, Cervix, and Fallopian tubes which make it possible for sperm to reach the egg in the ovary. A lap will hopefully stop the endo from spreading so that it may scar the Fallopian tubes and cause you to be unable to conceive naturally.

Best wishes:)

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