Spreading awareness on facebook - Endometriosis UK

Endometriosis UK

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Spreading awareness on facebook

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Hi all,

I've just posted the following on Facebook for endo awareness month (and turned my profile pic yellow - thanks to the person who put a link on here yesterday 😄). Thought I'd share to encourage you all to do the same. I know there's some official wording you could just repost from endo uk but I thought a more personal approach, less medical approach may be good. Feel free to steal and adapt my wording :-)


March is Endometriosis Awareness month, so I've turned my profile picture yellow in support.

I'd never heard of this disease until I was diagnosed 6 months ago, despite having symptoms since I was 12. Like any disease the longer you leave it untreated the more it spreads and the worse the symptoms get.

For any women on my feed or parents of girls 10+ please take time to read through the symptoms and see if any of these look familiar. In particular, my specialist said that a key indicator is if you've ever had to miss school or work because of period pains or other things like migraines that only happen around your period. This isn't normal.

I'd like to help spread awareness amongst my friends. I didn't know this condition existed before, so I'm sure many of you don't too.

Not only is this disease painful and exhausting, if left untreated can cause fertility problems, so please get yourself or your daughter referred to an endometriosis specialist by your GP.

💗 💗💗

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Emma94 profile image

Hi which link is this as can't seem to find it and really want to do it!!

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