I know this isn't relavant to the illness I have but, my boyfriend came to me after just over a year or pure happiness and left me... He said he didn't love me anymore and couldn't handle me being sick.... I keep having thoughts of taking my own life and I can't sleep, eat or drink....
Help?: I know this isn't relavant to the... - Endometriosis UK

Oh babe! I know it's hard to see at the minute, but you will get over this and move on. Please put yourself and your needs first. I've recently discovered my husband had signed up for dating websites because he won't come near me for sex, thanks to him seeing me as a patient because of this horrid disease.
As if we don't have enough to handle with this! We both deserve better. I'm trying to look after myself and eat better and drink plenty of (non alcoholic) fluids - it's not easy but we need to keep our strength up.
I have been with my husband for almost 18 years and this isn't the first time he's done it - I still don't know if I am going to stay with him. I do love him and I thought he loved me, but his actions don't strike me as something you'd do to someone you love.
I can't see a life without him but I deserve (and so do you!) to be the centre of someone's world.
Do all the things which make you happy, I've been burying my head in books!
Take care of yourself and remember - things WILL get better, however bleak they may seem at the minute. Xxxx
Hun. He isn't worth it. There will be plenty of others out there that will love and support you through your days of pain. Heartbreak is horrendous but you will get over him in time. Focus on you and only you. Do the things you love, see friends, make new friends, join local groups or clubs, try to manage your pain and eat well. You deserve more than some idiot who isn't prepared to support you when things get tough. In the words of Marilyn Monroe... If you Can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best. X. X
Some men don't understand what it's like to suffer in pain Hun and u derserve better Hun u just need to give urself time I'm sure there is plenty out there who will be able to support and understand what it's like to have this horrible illness but if he can't accept u at ur worse he dosent dosent deserve u at ur best Hun chin up u will meet the right guy one day and wish u the best of luck
Please dont let this make you feel like you to punish yourself. My fiancé. Of 4 years told me it was my fault I had endo and my fault we may not conceive... This was after I had broke my heart telling him that I was very much forced into a termination when I was 17 and already wondered if it was a catalyst for bringing endo on. We never got over our differences. I am now with a wonderful person. I've been off work for months and literally bed ridden, we have a poorly 2 year old too.there are no moans or making me feel bad because I try my best. I'm waiting for a lap this month. I plan to return the complete love and loyalty when I am back on my feet. You will find someone who understands I promise. Big hugs. You are loved and special in this world and will find the right one for you. Xxx
Dont let him do this to you. You didnt choose to be in pain and have tgis illness. It will be his loss and if he is so selfish then he is really not worth your time and tears.
Look after yourself, have a lookinto a course called CBT, this really helped me with negative thoughts. As well istarted to do toga abd breathing exercises and it seems to help me. Good luck and look after yourself!!
if this fella runs out on you because your sick,then he doesnt deserve your love Kelly ..i think you should see your doctor about the way you are feeling ..listen to what the people on here have to say as they will always try and help you ..hope you feel better soon x
Hi babe, me and my boyfriend broke up last year in March - something at the time i thought was completely random I didn't understand and I honestly felt like i couldn't live without him. He was my rock. But here I am a year and a half on and you know what? I'm living. It was hard and some days it still is especially when I have a flare up. But things will work out how they are meant too. I know you can't see it now but soon you'll be so so so happy and you'll look back on this and think - his loss! Some people aren't as strong as us, so we should never inherit their weakness in times of pain. Think about all the illness and pain you've gone though and how you manage to deal with that everyday and it's because you're a strong young women. Take each day as it comes, surround yourself with friends and family. A little tip that helped me still to this day. Every morning when I wake up I force myself to smile - even if i really don't want too and it really helps! You have a great opportunity to focus on yourself, find out who you really are and make yourself happier than you ever thought! I know it's hard to believe me, but I am you a year and a half on and dispite being ill I am the happiest I have ever been!
You're too strong and beautiful to not let your story play out - you deserve better and I promise you, you'll get it!
Always here if you need to chat!
E. x
Kelly you deserve more you need someone who an lean on you and he can lean on you when times are bad be there for each other a friend and a lover if he could not offer you any of this you deserve more for yourself none of us want to be sick it just happens so you have not meet your soul mate yet he is out there just you want and see there is always someone for all off us keep your head held high and show him what he's missing take care Kelly x
Kelly I meant to say for you to lean on him and he can lean on you when times are bad sorry x
please,please,please go to your doctor,no man EVER is worth more than you happiness and life,if this man did not love you,he is not worth your tears and unhappiness,please hunni try and get help as you are so low at the moment,i just want to give you a big hug and tell you everything will be ok,my ex left me after 8 1/2 yrs and 1 child,i had a breakdown and was bad,now i wonder why i was so upset,my friend told me to make a list of his plus and minus points and see which had most,the minus won,at this time for you now it will feel hard and the pain is never ending,it will go and you will feel better,take it one day at a time,please don't even think of ending it all for a man who never cared.Try to talk to friends and family,you may feel like you are driving them mad keeping going over the same thing (i know i did),but these people love you an want whats best for you xxxx
U gotta get up and live your life baby!!...x