Hi there. It's my 27th day since I started vissane for treatment of endo. For the passed few days I've been feeling fatigued. Now I've been having sharp abdominal pains. Went to see my GP and he gave some tablets and injection, but the pains aren't going anywhere. Please advise if any of you are still feeling pains even when on treatment. I'm forever in a depressed mood. For the past two months I was in treatment for depression, so I'm not sure of this is making it even worse. I hate the feeling. Today I'm suppose to return for the injection and tomorrow again. Right now I'm feeling helpless and hopeless. This is just too hectic for me.
Pains: Hi there. It's my 27th day since I... - Endometriosis UK

Dear favouritez,
I have just come across your message and noticed that you have not yet had any reply to your post. I am sorry to hear that you are feeling so unwell and having a hard time.
I wonder if you might be interested in some information that Endometriosis UK can offer you.
Ahead of a consultation with your gynaecologist, you may find it helpful to complete the following forms and bring them along with you. They are quite comprehensive forms that may help explain your symptoms when trying to move things forward with your specialist:-
As far as pain management is concerned you may find the following of use. (see page 8 onwards for pain relief options). I have also added a few other external links that include complementary therapies:-
Finally, Endometriosis UK offer support options that may suit. They are run by trained volunteers that have been touched by endometriosis themselves. They include face-to-face support groups usually run once a month and are countrywide:-
Online support groups are available for those people who are unable to find a support group in their area or who prefer not to attend a face-to-face meeting. They do not use webcams to maintain anonymity. Again, they are usually run monthly; the next one being on Monday 2nd March 2015 at 8:00pm with guest speaker, Hannah Short, GP and endometriosis patient:-
Furthermore, there is a freephone helpline where you can speak in complete confidence:-
0808 808 2227
I hope this helps and I wish you well.
Take care,
Simonetta, Endometriosis UK
Thank you Simonetta. I would love to fill in the forms and come along with them, but I'm in south africa and it feels like I'm the only one stressing about Endo. Or maybe others don't take it crius. And I only found out that Today that Endo is a chronic pain. That hurts hey. But anyway thanks for your response.
Hi Favouritez,
I see you are in fact overseas!
Well fear not, I found the Endometriosis Society of South Africa for you online and this is their link; maybe they can help you:-
They have their own publications (see below) but there is nothing to stop you using the consultation and pain diary forms I attached earlier as templates if you wished to take those to your next gynaecologist appointment:
I hope this helps.
Take care,
Simonetta, Endometriosis UK