Hi please could you share your symptoms and how you were diagnosed please?
Symptoms/dignosis: Hi please could you... - Endometriosis UK

Hello Kazan, I'm Tracey, I'm 39 with a husband and 3 sons, I've always had crap period pains very intense but short and light, after having my last son age 10 I started getting bad back aches and occasionally it would radiate around the front, I went to see a chiropractor and it helped me loads, I've seen one off and on ever since,, over the last few years the pains in my pelvic area hips and groin have got worse and more often, sex has started bringing on then pain, and can hurt during too, I have leg pain as well, I'm now getting daily aches and pains, a dull hot ache, with tightening pinching sensations and pulling twisting pain, I've had lots of scans and bloods ect, then in September they found a kidney stone and I got a lot worse a few weeks after, the docs put it down to the stone, but I had it's lithotripsy and past the stone, but was still left with the pain, I'm now due to have a laporoscopy in a few weeks after seeing a new gyne doc, and he is looking for endometreosis or adenomyosis, I hope this helps you, Good luck
Is the pain in your hips and pelvis ongoing? I've been in so much pain for 4 weeks and now constipated for nearly a week not sure if that's due to whatever going on inside or if it's because of co codimol?
I'm so worried about ovarian cancer, my abdomen keeps swelling up my hips and down the front of my pelvis hurt all the time unless I'm taking medication.
Have you had ultrasounds? What came back from them? I just want to feel well again and be able to go back to work I'm constantly tired. Thank you for messaging me always feel better for talking to someone x
Hi have you tried anti inflammatorys like ibprofen they are the best apparently,
My symptems are exactly like the other ladies mentioned, contant dull ache that never goes away im terrified of having sex as it hurts too much and it causes me imense pain for days after. i have an intense pain in my lower back, hips and my abdominal pain comes and goes. I was diagbosed after an ultra sound and am due to see a specialist next week to discuss treatments. If you are taking codine regularly it is probly that that cause constipation as its a common side effect I have been told to avoid co codimal and codine as its very addictive and causes constipation. Xx

Is the pain in your hips always there? How old are you please? I'm so worried about the results today did they tell you it was endometriosis when you got your ultrasound results? Xx
Where is the pain you are having daily? Are you taking pain relief for this? I hope you get some answers soon xx
Ho i have all your symptoms too! Its mainly my right hip and pelvic pain like period pain all the time, i am 29 years old i was told bu my GP it was end after an ultrasound showed an endo cust on my left ovary i have an appointment a week today with a specialist so will update you then!!!!
I am very worried too x

Did they tell you that from ultrasound results? X

Do you have any swelling? X
I can get any of the above pain, maybe all sometimes only the hot ache, I seem to get worse as the day goes on and rest brings it back down,
my pelvic pain is like that .goes away when go to bed but as soon as up in the morning its there and doesn't go away.same with abdominal pain/distension/pressure.
Yeah I was told at my ultrasound but am due to see a specialist consultant next week, I get lots of swelling after sex (if it ever happens) other than that just bloating really my pain gets more intense later in the day but theres always a constant butlrning pinching pain there that never goes away!!!!! Xxx