So worried going for a ultrasound next week due to symptoms I've been having over the last 4-6 weeks. Hip/pelvic and lower back pain every day so bad ive been signed off work also belly keeps swelling up sometimes making me look 6 months pregnant.
Have I got endometriosis??: So worried... - Endometriosis UK
Have I got endometriosis??

Hi, sorry your experiencing this.
Unfortunately endo rarely shows up on scans. The only true way to diagnose it is through a laparoscopy.
Fibroids may show up on a scan.
I would suggest however you have a look at the symptoms of Adenomyosis and ask about this as they are also similar to what you are experiencing. I have both endo and Adeno unfortunately.
Adeno can be a harder one to diagnose. Sometimes your uterus may appear enlarged or bulky on a scan, sometimes not. During a internal exam by a doctor/specialist you might find your uterus is tender to the touch which can be a indication of Adeno. In my case it was so painful I almost kicked the consultant!
If Adeno is suspected they may want to do a biopsy through hysteoscopy. Again unfortunately if the Adeno is diffused throughout the uretus and therefore can't be seen then the consultant wouldn't know where to take the the biopsy from. As such the biopsy may not reveal anything because the biopsy is so small that it's a bit like trying to find a needle in a hay stack. It is not uncommon for a diagnosis of Adeno to be made on symptoms alone (a bit of an educated guess!) after ruling out all other potential culprits.
Us women are complicated!
I wish you all the best
It may or may not be. But it won't always show up on tests either. It didn't in my case. They found it by surgery.
I would start asking to be referred to an endo specialist (not a general gyno) for a lap - and start recording symptoms on a monthly basis and research as to whether these coinside as a lot of symptoms are similar. The only true relief for adenoy is hysterectomy but if you just have endo excision is key as a starting point - good luck xx
Thank you for your reply, would there be any issues with your liver function caused by endo? Thanks
Thank you so much for your reply I'm so worried I have ovarian cancer due to the symptons been very similar to mine and then with the liver function test not coming back ok it's made me even more frightened. xx
Hi thank you again for your messages yes my periods are very painful especially first couple of days athough until the last couple of months they only lasted 4 to 5 days tops. My last period was very painful and really heavy constantly having to change etc.
The tablets I'm on are codine and paracetamol these are making me constipated could this be causing the severe bloating? Sorry so many questions xx
They will proberbly check for ovarian cysts that seems to be standard ,endo doesn't show up on ultra sound the only way to to get a diagnosis for that is by laparoscopy .
See what comes of the ultra sound and go from there .
All the best
Tonight I have bloated up massive like I'm 9 month pregnant
I have the symptoms of ovarian cancer (including the constant - not going up and down - bloating/distension, early satiety, lack of appetite, lost 17 pounds of weight in 3 months without trying etc) and I don't have it.
You can get these symptoms with ovarian cysts and fibroids. I have endo, and a fibroid. The fibroid is growing out of my uterus wall into my pelvis and it needs removing.
I also have chronic lower back and right hip pain. I'm on painkillers constantly for these pains and struggle to sleep and stand for long because if it. I'm not sure what causes it as I have had the endo excised, so it could be the fibroid or something else. I guess I'll find out once I eventually have the fibroid removed.
I have a history of ovarian cysts and polycystic ovarian cysts. Ovarian cysts can cause bloating or distension (although in my experience it was constant not variable). I have noticed that ladies on here tend to complain of bloating that goes up and down in relation to endo and that is my experience too. As another member said, bloating can also be caused by constipation and IBS, as well as other abdominal conditions.
Try not to worry. The worrying doesn't change the outcome and will only make you feel worse.
Thank you South for your message I am trying so hard to stay positive, can the pain for cysts/fibroids just come on over a few days? How did you first find out? Thank you xxx
Cysts found via ultrasounds (3 different occasions/situations). Fibroid during endometriosis surgery which was a laparoscopy.
An ultrasound is
very useful for ruling in or out cysts, fibroids, and polyps. They can also see bladder, bowel and uterus as well as ovaries/tubes, so they can see how thick your uterine lining is and if you have a lot of gas or stools (constipation).
The cysts/fibroid slowly develop, so at first you wouldn't know, but as they grow, they start to cause symptoms because they are taking up room in the pelvis (or in the case of polycystic cysts they may affect the functioning of the ovary).
Hope that helps!
Thank you it really helps to hear other stories how old are you please? When did this first start for you?where was your pain please xx
Started when I was 11. I had bad periods and by the time I was 13 I was bleeding all the time, distended tummy, pain in right ovary/hip (this was the ovarian cyst).
I never had normal periods - heavy and very painful.
By the time I was 33 I couldn't sit down anymore during a period. I couldn't urinate or poo without either passing out or nearly passing out during my period. Even passing gas was unbearable (and I seemed to have a lot of it during period and ovulation when I don't normally lol!). I also had constant bladder pain for the first few days of my period and during ovulation. The cramps were severe. I gradually had to increase pain meds since teenage years until now.
Then end of 2013 things worsened to the point where I couldn't stand for very long nor lie down and sleep due to severe lower back pain and right hip pain. This was all the time and not just during my period/ovulation.
I still have chronic lower back and pelvic pain. I take painkillers daily for it. Sometimes it is severe and the painkillers don't work. It affects my sleep badly as I just can't get comfortable and it is such a penetrating pain that i can't ignore it.
Since the laparoscopy my bladder pain is a lot better. The bowel and rectal pain is minimal during my period compared to before surgery. I get random pelvic pains and cramps.
I originally went for a lap because iof persistent cysts it was then I was diagnosed with endo .i suggest if you are really worried go and have a cyst with your gp
They maybe able to reassure you in someway