Im looking at endometriosis centres online and noticed a hospital not to far from me is classed as one, does this mean I should get under the gynacologist there? little confused on the process of them
how do endometriosis centres work? - Endometriosis UK
how do endometriosis centres work?

Hi I'm interested in knowing the answer to that too. I would think that you would have to get your GP to refer you. I am currently waiting on a NHS referral to my local hospital. I don't really trust her and depending on how the appointment goes I will maybe look to be referred to a specialist centre x
Yeh I am seeing my gyno today, when I last saw him in November he discharged me even though i was in tears while he was examining me, so I did what he said and saw my GP and when through the motions with her I am now 23 on morphine which i cant take during the day anyway and I think he is just going to send me on my way today, so thinking maybe at a centre where they specalise in endo they wont be as quick to just blame the endo for everything and send me on my way
I saw mines in July last year when she forced the coil on me and discharged me. She didn't even ask where my pain was. This coil (my 3rd) isn't working out too well, she said if I gave it 6 months and didn't have any improvement she would do another lap.
Good luck for today, perhaps you should ask him to refer you to the specialist clinic? Let us know how it goes x
This is my concern him trying to force me onto something without actually finding out whats going on inside, If he proves its my endo thats developed fine but I dont want guess work.
Thank you, I just need to have the confidence to stand up for myself and say no when I dont agree
Hi! I totally agree with not having a treatment forced on you if there isn't a proper diagnosis. I was aired to hospital last August with excutiating ovulation pain and had ultrasound scans done, internals etc. I was given a diagnosis but I was pushed to have Zoladex injection! Next to no advice was given as to what to expect and when I read up on it, it shouldn't be given for undiagnosed pain and bleeding-both of which I had! But more importantly, it shouldn't be given to people with clinical depression, which I also have!
So subsequently I did have any further injections and eventually got a second opinion last week. The consultant I saw says that Zoladex/Prostap are brutal treatments and shouldn't be just given without diagnosis or real discussion. He has agreed that I should have a laparoscopy and the date is set for March. Hopefully I will finally find out after 5 years what is really going on inside!! Fingers crossed!
Can I ask how long it took you to receive your lap date? I saw my gyno yesterday and he said he will operate
It really frustrates me that zoladex and prostrap are given without disgnosis! I am currently having zoladex injections and i dont even know if i have endo, ive just been given three months of injections to see what happens, i was basically told it was have these or have nothing and continue on with the pain, which at 22 is not what i want either! The injections have got rid of the pain but ive also had some horrible joint pain and nausea. When i go back to the gyne in march im asking to be referred for a lap before having another 3 injections, i want to try for a family by the end of the year so i want to know if this is endo or not!
Welldone you for standing ur ground and not being forced into zoladex xxxx
Thank you! It took some guts, tears and persistence but I was lucky and saw a really understanding GP who referred me to HER gynae consultant and when he saw me he was so adamant that these injections should not be given if it is not known what is causing the pain. His word brutal brought me and my husband up short! It feels like the equivalent to chemical castration with loads of awful side effects of you're unlucky. Try to stand your ground and be persistent....... It's YOUR body! Good luck! xxxx
hmmm i find this very interesting my consultant gave me zoladex as a form of diagnosis apparently it woint work for anything else and if it stops my pain its probably endo however when it did work i was told it was the placebo effect and it worked because i wanted it to so 9 injections later i have been told there is nothing gyne related wrong and discharged back to my gp
Oops For "aired" read admitted and I WASN'T given a diagnosis! Predictive text for you!
Hi, yes you can ask your GP to refer you. I was under a general gynae and didnt feel I was being given the right treatment, so looked up my nearest endo centre and took the details to my GP. I did have to be quite forceful, as my GP was all for believing that my gynae knew best! I've had my first appointment with my endo specialist and the difference in talking to someone who actually understands the condition (even though he's male!) is amazing. Keep pushing!
Hiya .. Are endometriosis private or on the nhs? Xx
If I were you I would try and get a referral from your gp.
Have you gad a diagnoses already for endo??