Hi ladies, had my op one year ago and had 6 months of horome treatment for severe stage 4 endo. The doc said we had six months where I was most fertile to try for a baby, well as I write this with tears in my eyes, the 6 months is up and still no blue line and its killing me. Has anyone else been like this or know what questions to be asking
Still not pregnant : Hi ladies, had my op... - Endometriosis UK
Still not pregnant

Hi, I am having my lap in 2 weeks and I have been told to try for 6 month after the lap and if that didn't work to try ivf. Ask to be refered to a fertility specialist so they can tell you what the best options are for you now. X
Agree with Shehulk - ask to be referred to a fertility specialist and see what options they can give you to get on the next step to conceiving.
I was under the impression I had to wait 2 years for ivf is this information wrong? Thanks ladies xx
It depends on your local area health authority rules for IVF - look them up online. All the NHS regs are freely available online. Just type in the name of your local health authority and the word IVF and you should be able to find the rules that apply to your post code area.
We all know that endo causes infertility. How long have you been trying before all of this? It is definitely worth seeing if this is due to a specific endo problem I.e. That your tubes are blocked. It is also worth doing the test to see if you are ovulating, it's a blood test on day 21 of your cycle. These are both issues they can look at. They can try to unblock your tubes or they can give you fertility drugs to help you ovulate. Even having the test to check your tubes can help with conception. If your tubes are completely blocked they can start looking at ivf straight away. I wouldn't panic as there are lots of things they can try and endo won't affect your womb - you can safely carry a baby. Call your doctor and ask for help. Explain your pre-existing conditions and say what happens next. I know it is horrible and makes you feel like shit but you're only at the beginning. You can do this good luck xxx
Hi what hormone treatment were you on? Are you having regular periods? This will also effect your chances of conceiving. I totally agree ask for dye test ASAP as mine had high resistance but I was lucky they managed to be unblocked.
Also sorry to sound crude but don't have sex every day. Apparently sperm needs a day in between to build up to become good quality sperm. Sperm can survive 3 days and eggs for five days so having sex just before and four days after you ovulate will give you a better chance.
Also ask GP to do blood tests on days 1-3 of your cycle to check your hormone levels are correct.
Good luckxxx