Does endometriosis spread throughout your... - Endometriosis UK
Does endometriosis spread throughout your body as cancer does?

Mine spread to my bladder, bowels and around my liver and gall bladder xx
Do you mind me asking, how it was discovered that it had spread to your other organs? And how was it removed?
Yes it can spread through anything muscles bone organs. I have it and waiting to see if it's spread. Mums friend also had it and hers started to grow up her body and near her chest and it can grow down the legs to. It's like a weed it will connect it's self to anything and grow were it wants just like a weed in the garden x
Hi princessm, I hope it's one of the good days I was wondering how your mums friend knew her endo was spreading ? This is because I seem to be getting lots of skin infections which have followed a pattern upwards along my spine and am thinking it's the endo causing it.
Its not quite the same , endo spreads were it finds an avenue. It can go as high as the lungs but cancer spreads via blood & lymphatic system so can go anywhere . Endo does not enter the brain or extremeties as cancer does. But can be felt in the legs threw nerve pain via the pelvic cavity having endo present.
Its hellishly painful but you wont die of endo .
Sorry to disagree with you madtabby but endo does enter the brain. My sister has it in one third of her brain at present. xx
Owhhh my god really !!!
Ive done research and not come across that . Im sooo sorry to hear about your sister !! Whats her prognosis ?
I stand corrected !
I've read too that it can spread to any part of your body, including your brain and eyes. Within Endometriosis' UK's Annual Report 2013 it says "Endometriosis has been described by some medical practitioners as a benign cancer due to the way it manifests and
develops in the body".
I need formal diagnosis of if my endo has returned - but mine is spreading and I have it in weird places like my shoulders, ribs etc. It is the most horrendous condition.
thank you all for all of your help is has answered a lot of my questions!
if it has spread to your lungs will it make you have a hard time breathing or pain in your chest?