well been to doctors the day puts me on p... - Endometriosis UK

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well been to doctors the day puts me on prozac to help my moods and gabapentin for the pain and has forwarded me to pain clinic

Lisawright profile image
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bonygirl1 profile image

Hi, Im waiting for an appointment at the chronic pelvic pain clinic in Manchester. Was referred 2 months ago, phoned them as hadnt heard from them and was told it could be another 10 months before i get an appointment! Just using diet, exercise, herbal pain relief and only when i cant cope anymore do i use meds from doc, to help with my daily pain. Hormones are all over the place, sore boobs, hot flushes and mood swings, not a pleasant person to be around some times! Hubbie likes it when I do yoga as im calm and tranquil then! Hope you start to feel better with yr new meds X

greenfinch profile image

I was put on Gabapentin last week........have been on Zoladex for years.......I don't feel any different yet, but anything is worth trying after years of pain. My doseage is 2 x 300mg caps a day.

stevieflp profile image


Personally I think you need a referral to a different consultant. If you have endo, it is not surprising you have mood swings or depression even - coping with the pain is enough to cause that rather than it being clinical depression which often has no discernible cause. Your doctor is just giving you drugs to cover up the symptoms and not getting the treatment you need to resolve what is causing it all. You might have a hormone imbalance which is very common and Estrogen Dominance is thought to be a contributory factor to conditions such as PMS, Endo, and a whole host of other conditions. This does not necessarily mean high estrogen but an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone.

Bonygirl - How absolutely scandalous to refer someone to a chronic pain clinic and yet expect them to wait such a long time to even get a first appointment - perhaps they don't appreciate what the word "chronic" actually means and how difficult that is to wait 10 months, even then, I don't believe the answer is more drugs but to deal with the root cause.

When the gynae's cant do anything more for you , quite often instead of referring you onwards to a real specialist - they are fobbing you off with pain management or drugs like prozac which are addictive and are not going to help the root cause in any way. The top guys say the only really effective treatment for endo is to remove it!

All of you ladies need to get a referral to a specialist endo consultant surgeon who can excise your endo rather than just leaving it and managing the pain. I really recommend you to push to get a referral. Also, have a read of Estrogen Dominance" by Dr Michal Lam and "Stop Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain" by Dr Andrew S Cook.

All best wishes x

LittleMissManx profile image

Hi Lisa

I tried gabapentin during my fight to stop the pain of endo. I started on a low dose which was increased every time I saw my gynae. Eventually I was taking a ridiculous amounts of these pills (1800mg per day)yet didnt feel any different or real benefit so decided they weren't worth me taking them.

I think the wait for you to be seen in the pain clinic could be a lengthy one as there seem to be long waiting lists for pain management departments country wide.Like Stevie says when you are in pain and your gynae has run out of options a swift referral is what you need.

Many ladies have different ways of coping with the pain and mood swings. I try and get outdoors in the fresh air for a walk when I feel well which I do at the moemnt thanks to Prostap injections.

Hope you find the gabapentin works for you

Caroline, x

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