Mirena coil & prostap injection has it he... - Endometriosis UK

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Mirena coil & prostap injection has it helped any of you ladies? :))

chococlaire1982 profile image
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hayls profile image


Can't comment on mirena as I haven't had that but am currently on prostap and for me it gave me a much needed break, I'm currently 11 doses through a 12 dose course, now its nearing the end I have very mixed feelings about it - on the plus side it has worked very well and once it kicked in (after 7-8 weeks) ive had a long period of very little endo pain, but on the negatives its really started to take its toll on my body and afterr 6 mths you have to have hrt but for me this completely reveresed the effects so gynae took me off the hrt for the last few months. However good it's been I will be glad once its over and out of my system.

It's a very powerful drug with a lot of side effects so please do your research first, I don't regret it and if I'd stopped after 6 mths I would probably think it was brilliant but it really is just a pause button so needs to be part of a bigger plan for treatment xxx

scientistlorna profile image

Hey, yes, i've got the mirena coil, had it for nearly 4 years. Completely changed my life - used to get severe period pain every 3 weeks, would be on co-codamol for about 3 days. Since mirena, I don't have periods to speak of, do occasionally get some period painy cramps, but nothing like the crippling agony before. My ibs is all but gone, i'm less grumpy, depression has mostly lifted, I have alot more energy. I have had a few dips with the mirena, not sure what happens, but I notice a reappearance of symptoms, like fatigue and ibs. A trip to the gp, and a prescription for top-up progesterones works very well to get out of the trough. I tried the depo-injection, but couldn't get on with it - started getting migraines and was constantly bleeding. Took about a year for the side effects to wear off after the last injection. Thinking about having my coil replaced as it seems to be losing efficacy, but gp on tuesday, so will take advice. Hope thats helpful :-)

majtam profile image

I was put on prostap last October for endometriosis. It stopped pain instantly and no migraines at all for 9 months or headaches. It has been amazing. Only dude effect hot flushes and a little weight gain. I he by taken hrt as I don't feel it's necessary, the prostap brought on menopause. I really don't feel hrt is necessary when going through menopause. The body has its own way of balancing do trust and allow the natural process. I cannot take any more prostap as in UK they only give for three injections 9 months. I am about to have minera coil fitted and it was advised this is best after prostap. I fully support prostap for endo and oestrogen based migraines. It has given me my life back.

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