Is anyone on Oral Morphine for endometrio... - Endometriosis UK

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Is anyone on Oral Morphine for endometriosis

sammyrobinson_x profile image
21 Replies

I am on oral morphine for endometriosis but I still get sever flare ups with then result in me being in an ambulance :( can't cope with this anymore as people tend to label me as a druggy

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21 Replies
AlexR profile image

Aw sorry to hear that, im on tramadol, solpadol for mine and my back pains doesnt actually help but i cant get anything else. I get called a wee druggy cause if i go anywhere i need to take my pills with me. Im also on anti depressants and anti spasm tabs for my back as well. Ive been told about pain patches but no doubt my doctor will not give me them either xx

sammyrobinson_x profile image
sammyrobinson_x in reply to AlexR

The oral morphine does help me but it wears off quick :/ but when I have a sever flare up it doesn't touch me, my pain killers always come with me everywhere, it's a pain in the ass

Lillil profile image
Lillil in reply to AlexR

The patches are fentanyl patches that are long acting, you wear a patch on your upper arm for 72 hours then remove it and put one on other arm. They usually take abt 12 hours to get into your system so will prob need to take morphine at that time. You may find it easier to get these from drs as it releases in a steady state and isnt short acting like morphine where you need more and more which is what worries drs.

Ask for urgent referral to a pain clinic, you may find it is first time someone has really listened to how your symptoms affect you. Good luckxxx

missteal profile image

I am given this if I'm ever taken to hospital because of my pain. Last time this didn't even work so I ended up with a drip of morphine before the pain subsided!! I was told that they cannot prescribe oralmorph for at home consumption and that I'd just have to go to A&E whenever need it. Luckily I have been to the same a&e so many times now that they know I'd only go when it's absolutely necessary. I also have ehlers danlos syndrome which can make periods painful in itself let alone having endo and adhesions and a sticky ovary on top of it all. xx

Lillil profile image


I am a nurse. Yes you can have oramorph at home but drs are reluctant to let people have it as it is addictive and you will end up needing more and more for it to work. It can also decrease your breathing rate and cause constipation which is not good for endo.

If your pain is bad enough for oramorph they should be investigating why.

This is a reply I put on someone elses post abt pain, sorry a bit I have already said, good luckxxx

Do you know why are you in so much pain? Is it because your body has got used to the drugs? You are on the wrong ones or need another lap?

I think you need an gynae appointment to help assess this.

As a nurse I can tell you you should follow the analgesic ladder principle. That is start with the most basic analgesic such as paracetamol, build up to non steroidal anti inflammatories such as ibuprofen, aspirin, naproxen, mefanamic acid, diclocenac/volterol (only take one of these at a time) then build up to opiates, codeine morphine etc. its important when taking opiates that you take the other drugs on the steps underneath as well for the opiates for the opiates to be most effective (unless a medical reason not too). They all have different jobs, work in different ways to compliment each other. By using this approach you opiate spare which means your body won't require as much opiate. Side effects of opiates include addiction and constipation. Both very unhelpful in endo so important to spare as much as possible. Also if too much opiate is built up in your body it is wasted leading to more side effects such as severe nausea which in turn makes your body less likely to be able to deal with the pain. You may find slightly less opiate or in deed a difderent form than oramorph which has a short half life (meaning its effectiveness is short lived before another dose is required) is more effective. Eg for me i find when my pain is really bad taking 30mg codeine with 500mg tramadol works better than taking 60mg codiene and no tramadol as i get less nausea and less constipated.

I take tramadol for bad break through pain, i find it really helpful but cant drive etc for 14 hours after.

I also love my tens machine which really helped me reduce my meds.

Also ask to be referred to a pain clinic.

I have found the endo diet to be really helpful with my pain levels.

Good luck. You will get there, it really isn't in your head, you could be feeling much better than you are with better medicine management, dont give up there are people out there who can help you xxx

sammyrobinson_x profile image
sammyrobinson_x in reply to Lillil

Hey my consultant put me on the oramorph I don't need it everyday plus I am dead weary of taking it, ive been through every other pain killer they asked the pain team what to do they were fine over the oramorph

Lillil profile image
Lillil in reply to sammyrobinson_x

Good glad they gave it to you. Some drs just dont believe people need strong painkillers. My dr thought I would become an addict to tramadol.

Its just so frustrating having all this pain and not being able to get rid of it :( on the bright side ive just finished six months of zoladex and though had horrendous side effects my pain level went from 11/10 to 3-5/10 and managed to get me back to work after six months off.

Also read a few people on here have got really good relief from drugs like amytriptilin (however you spell it!).

Long may the pain free days continuexxx

sammyrobinson_x profile image
sammyrobinson_x in reply to Lillil

Ive tried amytrptilin its knocked me out for 48 hours so I had to be taken off it and am in a hell of alot of pain atm

Lillil profile image
Lillil in reply to sammyrobinson_x

:( what abt fentanyl patches?x

Lillil profile image
Lillil in reply to Lillil

There was another lady on here i spoke to who did the same to her and she went on something called pregabaline. Dont know anything about but know she had tried everything. Cant they give you another lap? Is your consultant an endo specialist? Could you get a second opinion xxx

sammyrobinson_x profile image
sammyrobinson_x in reply to Lillil

Ive just had a Laparoscopy, she's a normal gynaecology consultant am seeing her again on the 21st of August :)

Lillil profile image
Lillil in reply to sammyrobinson_x

Glad you have a follow up soon. See if you can get referred to an endo specialist for some deep root excision. I have recently changed to a specialist and has made all the difference. Good luck :) xxx

sammyrobinson_x profile image
sammyrobinson_x in reply to Lillil

I cant wait for the follow up, ive been told about zoladex but am not sure about it, where is your specialist

Lillil profile image
Lillil in reply to sammyrobinson_x

In brighton. If you ask a lady on here called impaient about stuff she is very knowlegable. Ive just finished six months zoladex was bloody hard! But gave me my life back. Makes pain bit worse first month in second month is when pain relief started. Lots of side effects. Its used as a cancer drug so is pretty strong but did job for me. Can make you depressed so you need to discuss as you are on anti ds but way i saw it as i wasnt going to get less depressed being in agony. Do tons of research to make an informed decision, ive writren loads abt it on my old posts. It seems those who werent told how bad it is at first dont tolerate it.

Here is a link to patient info about it

Good luckxxx

Chrissie66 profile image

I sympathise with the druggy label

My consultant and I have been through every pain killer in every combination and the only thing that works and doesn't make me sick as a dog is pethidine. Every time we get a new pharmacist I am given the third degree and a lecture.

I understand why they need to do it, but just gives my already rock bottom self esteem another kicking. I'd much rather not have a disease that causes this much pain but seeing as I have it at a level my gynae has never seen before and my GP is happy to prescribe on this basis, the constant battles in the chemist are exhausting.

Endo has a lot to answer for x

sammyrobinson_x profile image
sammyrobinson_x in reply to Chrissie66

I don't like taking the oral morphine as it makes me drowsy and I am scared of becoming addicted so I try but like you hun I would rather be pain free than suffer :( my gp is happy to prescribe oral morphine for me as they know I generally need it

classiebird profile image
classiebird in reply to sammyrobinson_x

are you taking regular paracetamol wit this? taking 2 tablets 4 times a day can reduce how much morphine you need while not being addictive or causing drowsiness and constipation. You can top this up wit ibuprofen also as these are all different drugs. also if amitriptyline didn't suit you there are alternatives and I've found acupuncture is amazing at relieving the pain.

someone mentioned a pain clinic that is probably your best port of call

hope this all helps

sammyrobinson_x profile image
sammyrobinson_x in reply to classiebird

I try not to take the oramorph only when am really bad I normally stick to paracetamol and naproxon, ive seem the pain team at my local hospital they are rubbish

endo_star profile image

Have a look at these links and see if there's an endometriosis centre near you

I'm being seen at one of them and they are a million times better than the gynae I saw before x

sammyrobinson_x profile image
sammyrobinson_x in reply to endo_star

My hospital is on there hun as its my local hospital wirral university teaching hospital

Shelly085 profile image

I'm on voltarol suppositories an paracetamol for endo but lately I've ended up in hospital as the pain has been that bad where I can't touch my side or walk with it. They offered me liquid morphine but I'm a bit wary of taking it . I'm also on tranexamic acid for the bleeding which does reduce it. I was just wondering if there is any better painkillers as these ones have stopped working for me?

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