I have been struggling for 2 years with no help from doctors and have now come across a new problem. Is it possible for endometriosis to travel down the cervix? I have hard lumps on the end of the cervix which are causing pain during sex. Only discovered this a couple of days ago and wondered if anyone else had experienced this? Would appreciate any advice/information! Thank you.
Looking for help please!: I have been... - Endometriosis UK
Looking for help please!

It is quite common to have little hard lumps that you describe and these are very likely to be Nabothian cysts which are are cysts filled with mucus that look like tiny bumps on the surface of the cervix. Unless they cause a problem treatment is not usually necessary but they can be removed if causing a problem.
To be on the safe side to rule anything else out, and because of the discomfort you experience, it is best to go and see your doctor for an exam to get checked out.
All best wishes x
Sometimes if endo is located in the recto-vaginal area (referred to as the Pouch of Douglas) this can cause pain re sex. A cervical erosion can also cause pain and bleeding re sex. I have had both of these conditions over the years. The little lumps are likely to be nabothian though. Glad you getting these checked out and the doctor should investigate the reason for the pain. The things we have to go through!
I have these nabothian cysts on my cervix. I was told they are harmless but I tend not to beleive anything the 'medical profession' tell me as they never seem to know for sure and I have to research it myself. X