Omg! So now I have fibroids on my uterus.. - Endometriosis UK

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Omg! So now I have fibroids on my uterus..

suby101 profile image
3 Replies

Well not only do I have stage 4 endo and have been ttc for three years, today I found out I have uterine fibroids! God I dont know how much more I can take.

I went to the hospital today and my consultant just seem to mumble through my mri and scan results! Was so angry and then I heard Fibroids..lots of small ones apparently on the outside of my uterus..this explains why I have had bladder problems frequent urgent urination lower abdomen pressure they want me to try detrusitol tablets to see if it has any affect on the pressure of my bladder.

I am just so sick of all of mentally drained.x

Just needed to type and have a moan.

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suby101 profile image
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3 Replies
Impatient profile image

The detrusitol is designed to relax the bladder muscles, stop them having spasms (which you cannot feel anyway) and hopefully allow you to have a proper peeing experience.

There are plenty of other similar drugs to try out on the bladder if it doesn't suit you, so give it ago, and if not having the desired effect go back to the GP in a week or two and try a different one. Yes it can get annoyingly expensive paying for subscriptions each time, but at the end of the day getting your bladder to co-operate is such a relief. I speak from my own experience.

also if they have not yet done a urine test for infections - please get that done too on your next visit. You might not feel like you have a UTI, but that doesn't mean you don't have a bladder infection messing up your plumbing too.

The good news is you can spontaeously recover from bladder spasms, it can take time but it is possble to make a full recovery in due course. Meanwhile getting your bladder to calm down and work again so you're not spending all day hovering within a few feet of a loo is quite a relief in itself.

So fingers and toes and legs crossed too that it does the job and sorts you out bladder wise.

As for the subserosal fibroids- that's annoying. I wonder how they weren't picked up before in scans and endo surgery? They shouldn't affect managing to get pregnant unless they are on stalks and getting in the way of the ovaries and tubes nevertheless seems strange they only found them now..

Has the surgeon said they will try and take them out or are they being left alone for the time being till you next need an op for endo?

suby101 profile image

Hello Impatient

Thank you for the feedback its very helpful, Yes I will give the meds a go and see what happens, think I was worried about the drowsiness side affects, I'm always tired now so will start to take them tomorrow as I am off work.

I am so angry that they have only just found them after all I have been through!

My Consultant didn't really explain much to me but I am going to ask him to send me a letter with the results on so I can look it all up myself.

I did a water sample and gave it to my GP to be sent off and they have no record of this! strange and annoying so I have to do another one.

As for scans I don't have much faith in them, the first one I ever had didn't show up any cysts and when I had my first Lap they found a few! and was also diagnosed with stage four endo! another scan I had didn't really show much and I had extensive surgery on my bowel and bladder, seems like nothing is picked up untill they actually do another lap and find out for themselves.

Well fingers crossed these meds work okay, and as for the fibroid s, well I'm not entirely sure how many I have how big or much really, I need to speak with my GP as I am worried now, who will keep a check because they haven't said they are going to remove them? and what if they grow or turn cancerous I need to know if I am going to be checked on regular basis.

Strawberries7 profile image

Hi Suby,

How did you resolve this please?

I'm suffering abdominal pain, incontinence and bladder pressure and have just been prescribed detrusitol. I feel my bladder is fine and the problem really is the fibroids pressing on it.

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