I’m going out of my mind with my hay fever symptoms. I wake up with a blocked nose and it never clears properly then the next morning it’s all blocked again. My blocked nose makes it hard to breathe. I have itchy, dry, scratchy, watery eyes. I sneeze. My nose runs and itches like mad. I have rashes on my legs - don’t know if it’s related. I get earache, sinus pain. I take antihistamines every day, I use nasal sprays, I use eye drops - I swear they make my eyes worse. It’s relentless, nothing helps, works, stops the symptoms. I don’t know how much more I can take.
Hay fever: I’m going out of my mind with my hay fever... - EFA
Hay fever

Hi,did you have your sinus checked yet? It's sounds like a allergy,I don't think you can get hayfever at this time of year,keep inhaling steam to break up mucus.
Hi, no I haven’t had my sinus checked. Why can’t you get hay fever at this time?
Hi,hayfever season dos'nt start until may June,you could have a dust or pet allergy.
Hay fever starts as soon as there is any pollen about. With me this means it starts as soon as January when catkins (hazel) come out. My allergy then continues until late autumn when leaves come down bringing mild spores with them. Please don't post misinformation as it clearly won't help this lady.
I'm not sure what they are talking about? If you haven't been to the allergy doctor how do you know exactly what you allergic to? This was always my problem. I got sick all year round. An allergy doctor told me if you get sick all year round could be multiple things, most likely, dust, pollen, ragweed.. I get itchy if im around dust...ive had to leave jobs because the place is so dirty and dusty I would scratch myself miserable. So does it really matter what the allergen is?? What matters is what will give you relief.
Have you been to the doctor? It doesn't sound like hayfever if you have rashes on your legs but may be an allergy to something else you are coming into contact with. Not all antihistamines work for everyone and your doctor can prescribe things you can't get over the counter. Bombarding yourself with all sorts can't be good for you.
For your symptoms you should look into DHEA and cortisol - these are what can fight allergies I take 20 mg of DHEA a day and bovine adrenal gland for the cortisol bc I was put on steroids which have zero effect on itchy skin
WallFlower0610 I know the feeling. I was in your boat for many years. I had chronic sinusitis from smoking which aggravated my allergies. I'm allergic to pollen. I used to get sick all year round. I moved to Florida for the humidity... drastically cut down on my sick days. I avoid smoke, car exhaust, dust and of course pollen. I take 50 mg diphenhydramine every single night and I take singulair for my asthma. I used to use a neti pot but I made the mistake of not using distilled water and ended up creating more infection. Neti pots work great, but for me I have permanent inflammation so it is extremely painful to use the neti pot. I only use a saline spray for my nose. The medicated sprays end up making you worse...rebound effect. The only medications that helped my allergies once I was sick were the medicated heated drinks...otc...like thera-flu. Location change was the biggest factor in my allergies...
I sympathise. I see you are in the UK like me. It seems impossible to get good advice and people I have encountered say similar things to you. I have seen three GP, been to A&E and last week a private hospital and feel I am making little progress. My only symptom is a blocked nose and it is impossible to sleep at night. I have found Sudafed cures it within minutes and I get through the night. It is only supposed to be used for 7 days, but I have no choice. The consultant I saw last week wants me to get off it and thinks it is contributing to my problem and he recommended Vistamethasone Drops. Not much progress so far and they are terrible to administer.