i have cat ,grass and tree pollen allergies.theres no pretending that medicines work as they simply don,t.over the past few days i,ve had a virus,which has led to the hell on earth pains in my head returning,the ones i had before i had polyps removed.i,m very tempted to try dope as a pain treatment now,and no i don,t do any drugs at all.but a return to where i was 2 years ago is not an option.i,m frightened half to death of becomming a tramadol corpse again.has anyone tried dope as a short term painkiller ?
hello,i,m woody.post natal nasal polyp sufferer with b... - EFA
hello,i,m woody.post natal nasal polyp sufferer with badly deviated septum.this condition has brought me close to suicide,but i,m fighting
Please do not consider "dope" It may ease you short time then you will want and more and then you are on a slippery path to hell. I have similar troubles but I now use Manuka Honey and rub into nose and around the nostrils. When alone you can wear it thick { outside a thin amount} . Get the best you can afford {try a Aldi store price ok} but the thin honey of other makes are more like syrup. So common instead of trying dope Try this what have you to lose.
I think kkjp has made a good point. You could try using a nasal barrier to catch the allergens before they enter your nose. The manuka honey may work but there are also brands such as sinubalm that may be a better option. There are also nasal sprays/nasal puffers that can coat the inside of the nasal passages providing an allergen barrier. Also, natural anti-histamines and natural anti-inflammatories can provide great relief. I would advise you to speak with your doctor first though.