Hi. Severe dust mite allergy. Asthma and eczema etc etc. Been prescribed a strong antihistamine but symptoms return.
Looking for others with similar allergy to exchange tips!
Hi. Severe dust mite allergy. Asthma and eczema etc etc. Been prescribed a strong antihistamine but symptoms return.
Looking for others with similar allergy to exchange tips!
Dust mites set my asthma off too. My flat has no carpet, its all laminate. I dont have any soft toys or anything that is a dust collector around. When I clean, I steam mop as well hoover and use water to dust with too, as this picks up more. Also I move furniture, so I pull my bed and sofas out and clean underneath
Wash bedding every week at a high temperature.
I take Lorratedine as anti histermine, seems to be working so far.
Hope thats helpful
Hi peahen123, you could remove carpets and soft furnishings, which should help when dealing with dust mites. You should remove or minimise anything that triggers your allergies such as carpets and not using cleaning products with chemicals. I found a good page about dust mites (allergycosmos.co.uk/dust-mi.... If you cant remove the carpets then a vacuum with a HEPA filter will help minimise dust mites. An air purifier can also help in removing general allergens from the air you breath.
I have e half and half loritidine and citirizine. Loritidine on it's own doesn't work for me but if I take a full dose of citirizine it knocks me out for the whole day so have half a tablet of each and that seems to work. Find the things that really set me off are anytning that's been stored for any length of time. If I go through the wardrobe and fish out something I've not worn for 6 months or so I,'m likely to suffer for next 24 hours. Also old books and papers, and jigsaws! Apparently humidity is a huge factor in how well dust mites thrive so try to keep it low, opening windows regularly and maybe a dehumidifier.