What is EFA and Why Are We Here?: The European... - EFA


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What is EFA and Why Are We Here?

DavidEFA profile image
9 Replies

The European Federation of Allergy and Asthma Airways Diseases Patients' Associations (EFA) is an umbrella organisation of European patient associations for chronic respiratory diseases. For the time being, these include allergy, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

As a network for patient representatives, we are located in Brussels, Belgium to be as close to the European institutions as possible to keep our members from across Europe informed on latest policy developments from the Commission and Parliament. EFA seeks to represent allergy, asthma and COPD patients in all decisions affecting their health.

EFA participates in numerous EU funded projects for research of our disease areas and also has its own COPD Project, Allergy Awareness Project and Oxygen Harmonisation on Airlines Project.

We have joined as a HealthUnlocked community to develop direct contact with patients across Europe. While English can be a barrier for a wider European participation, we encourage all patients to communicate with us in whichever language they are most comfortable.

For more information, please visit efanet.org!

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9 Replies
Gordon57 profile image

If someone posts in a language you do not speak you can translate it by copying the message and paste it into translate.google.com/

Si quelqu'un poste dans une langue que vous ne parlez-vous pas peuvent se traduire en copiant le message et le coller dans translate.google.com/ :)

Although it would be preferable to use English ;)

in reply to Gordon57


Just use Google Translate and try translating what you write into another language then another then back to the source language (presumably English in your case). You should have a laugh reading what the result is haha.

I remember KOTC' s brilliant Chinese Translations joke was exactly this - bad translations, it was hysterically funny but unfortunately that annoying self righteous character over on the BLF forum took offence for some obscure reason and the joke was deleted.

koala x

Gordon57 profile image
Gordon57 in reply to

That's why I only used one 'other' language here, because I did just that, and the translation back from French read the same as the original text. :)

I agree that someone reading a translated message may see it as "my uncle's elephant drinks vodka when washing the car with an umbrella" instead of the intended message. ;)

The intention here was to let others know, as simply as possible, about the Google translation site, if someone was to post in their native language.

in reply to Gordon57

Great idea letting people know, and it's a wonderful resource too

I sort of doubt anyone would write in another language though because the forum is in English and to understand what it is all about they would presumably be able to read English.

It's possible though, if they felt their English was too poor to write.

But who here would be able to write a reply to the person in some obscure language? It's not realistic to be honest, I think it's a very sweet idea but unfortunately impractical. Between us all I expect we could cover some major languages, but that is far from "whichever language"

I teach ESL and have learned a number of languages myself, it is a HUGE undertaking and takes years. Google translate would be the only option and isn't reliable enough for serious medical advice (my opinion).

koala x

Gordon57 profile image
Gordon57 in reply to

Agreed, hence my saying that English would be preferable I was commenting on David's original message, which ended by saying "...we encourage all patients to communicate with us in whichever language they are most comfortable. "

I don't think he realises how many IM-patients there are amongst us (and that gag may get lost in the translation) ;)

DavidEFA profile image
DavidEFAEFA in reply to Gordon57


Thanks for posting the google translate link. We completely endorse the use of Google Translate but never want to push people to use it if they prefer to communicate in their own language to express themselves accurately. We speak many languages in EFA and can offer assistance for accurate translations wherever possible. :)

Good point Gordon,i do use it at times,to contact some people in Europe,but please be aware that the translation,is not always spot on!! Have had some amusing incidents.

in reply to

Yes it can be HILARIOUS!

koala x

Oh wow, you're in Brussels. I'm in Belgium too.

Not what you're looking for?

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