Is or has anybody here tried taking thyroxine?
Thyroxine for ME: Is or has anybody here tried taking... - EDMESH
Thyroxine for ME
Yes. I know two people who have/are taking Thyroxine. The one is still on it but is thinking of giving up. He was prescribed it by an 'M.E. Specialist' (who see various people for various things as well) and he thought it was a good idea. Some people appear to be ok thyroid-wise, according to the UK accepted levels, but their body's use of thyroxine is marred, I think. After the 1st week of taking it J. was excited as he felt so much better and started doing a lot of things that he had been unable to do. Then he had a very bad phase and wondered if it had just been a placebo effect. He continued to take it but it doesn't seem to be making any difference now. Another person was on Thyroxine for a while, as her mother also has a thyroid problem and is badly affected when off it (not M.E. her case). As far as I know, it has not had a great affect upon her M.E. Anyone else with ideas? I think for some people it has worked well...but then what helps one M.E. person doesn't help another, as we all know.
Yes I have start thyroxine 3 years ago and it make a huge difference to my energy levels