I just had a routine blood test. I won’t be able to see the doctor for answers until Friday and I’m worried and scared. My eGFR numbers dropped from 95 to 44 in one year. My Creatinine numbers are high and my cholesterol numbers also shot way up. I have no symptoms. Has anyone else had such a change in one year, from healthy kidneys to unhealthy?
kidney blood test questions: I just had a... - Early CKD Support
kidney blood test questions

Dropping from 95 to 44 in a year is highly unusual unless you've suffered from some kind of acute kidney injury, and if that's the case, it may be reversible. It's also possible that one of your tests was incorrect. I'd definitely want to run some more blood work to see what if anything is going on.
When you see your doctor on Friday, I would ask him to repeat your labs. I have never heard of such a drop in your eGFR in a years time, unless like Marvin8 said you some sudden injury to your kidneys. Lab errors can happen.
Mine dropped like that & was marked 'AKI 1' - Acute kidney injury, but no-one phoned to let me know it was only me chasing results that I found this out. It's never been explained but I have since been told that I won't recover from this - mine was at 36 at the time. It fluctuates between 36 and 44 but like the advice on here state watch your diet, exercise regularly (I walk & pop to the gym but don't push too hard), and drink plenty of water. Not been referred on as they don't look / advise anyone until they reach Stage 4 at least and I know someone who has been at egfr 11 for a t least a year & they're still monitoring. Good luck!
if the creatinine is high it reduces gfr. Meat is very hard for kidneys to process. Decrease red meat and eat occasional chicken and fish. Learn some plant based meals for in between. Give up high cholesterol foods like snacks and pizza. I went from 45 to 60 from diet change.
I went from just under 60 to 29 in 6 months, so I understand how you feel. I have always watched salt intake because I have high blood pressure, but I switched to a mostly plant based protein diet. The nephrologist suggested I cut back on omeprazole, so I weaned myself off it and my numbers improved. I also stopped taking NSAIDS (at my age that is difficult) Water is my beverage of choice. I live from blood test to blood test. I do believe that healthy eating and moderate exercise are things I can to to make a difference.