Does anyone suffer from both of these conditions ? My husband has both. He had been taking a PPI for many years and wondered if there was a link. Thank you.
Barrett's esophagus and mild CKD - Early CKD Support
Barrett's esophagus and mild CKD
I have both, but believe is no connection between them in my situation , as have had the esophagus problem (not Barretts Esophagus) for years. We are all different though.
Well the PPI can cause kidney damage (2 links below). That's no surprise as many drugs can so best to avoid, where possible. Since most medics dont even mention such effects (maybe hidden somewhere in the PIL), always best to see a qualified Nutritional Therapist instead. I can send you links to some, if you wish eg by pte message.
Thank you the links are really helpful. There is much that can be done regards his diet. Too much sugar, crisps and needs to exercise. I have chronic health issues and my lungs are damaged and difficult. I think he needs to join my daily diet and exercise plan.
My mum's kidney function almost doubled with a Nutritional Therapy (NT) protocol - which includes diet changes but also significantly more. She also weaned off BP medication so is drug-free at age 68. It sounds like your husband's health conditions could be much improved via NT...but he'd have to believe in it and do it. Good luck!
Yes I think that is the hard part for him. He does not want to stop his snacks and treats and struggles . More water needed too. Less coffee. All a learning curve so early days. Thank you so helpful.
My mum was very much like that. But, after seeing the benefits to her health, she's much better... though needs to be kept on track!
We are all potential pawns of food marketing departments pushing unhealthy snacks etc - sadly including medical departments with snack machines in hospitals etc!
But some of us refuse to be pawns for £!
Hello I do not have Barretts Esophagus but I do have bad gerd/heartburn symptoms. The doctor prescribed me with Lansoprazole which I was told I could take for the rest of my life. However I was diagnosed with CKD stage 3 a few months ago at age 53. After some research I found out that you should not take PPI's long term. They are only meant for short term use so I took myself off them as they can cause CKD. In the meantime a different doctor has prescribed famotidine which is more kinder to your kidneys but again is not meant for long term use.After some reasearch, it pays to do research, I have addressed my diet, a plant based diet is good. My heartburn is much better, although relapses at Xmas (you have to enjoy yourself as well!) but getting myself back on a better diet and my eGFR rate has improved. I am not diabetic and do have high cholestorol but I do take medication for high blood pressure.
Hope that helps. Ask more questions if you wish. Take care of yourselves 😊
Thank you. Yes very helpful. He loves choc, sweets, and crisps. Nor as active as should be as works 10 -12 hours and then v tired. I think the sugar gives a boost and then slump. His family are heart, reflux, diabetic and all this appears to go hand in hand. Atm only high Cholesterol, low iron and Barrett and Kidney milder . I think there is lots we can do with his diet and think about these PPi. Plus a review with DR.
I meant I don't have high cholesterol! Good luck my lovely with your appt! Ask the doctor if there is a safer PPI or better still alternative!! Wish you all the best!!