Painkillers for CKD people.: I experience... - Early CKD Support

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Painkillers for CKD people.

17 Replies

I experience severe arthritic pain and have so far managed to put up with it. Recently it has gotten so bad I'm struggling to suppress it. Are there any pain relief prescription drugs that are kidney tolerant, other than paracetamol medication? Paracetamol just doesn't do anything for me. I looked into medical marijuana but this too has an effect on the kidney function, according to an early test result I read.

I'm not into alternative medication unless there are scientific facts to back these up. I can't accept anecdotal evidence as fact.

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17 Replies

If the pain is unbearable and Tylenol is not working talk to your doctor about dosing you pain medicine for kidney disease. There are options they just have to be at the correct dose.

in reply to HealthBuddyMelissa

My Dr robbed me of 15 % function prescribing Celecoxib and thinks she did nothing wrong. I can't afford the risk of another poor decision. I'm left trying to sort it myself so I know my kidneys aren't at risk.

I have the local Kidney society Dr looking for me, but as yet, no news.

Mgt8 profile image


In a similar situation.... I was told codeine or Tramadol (in that order) were the next strongest after paracetamol. Unfortunately I can't take either without side effects.

Physiotherapy has helped a little.

Hope you find something that suits you.


KatieRL profile image

I have SLE (Lupus) which has damaged my kidneys. It started in the very early days with the most dreadful joint pains and despite doctors giving me strong painkillers nothing helped. I was desperate and went to see an acupuncturist. It was truly amazing and it helped the pain dramatically. If you want to try it speak to your renal doctors first! I am now 18yrs post tx and have been given limited pregablin for pain (450mg daily) and also opiates. If pain persists get referral to a Pain Clinic.

Bassetmommer profile image

Hi Cheyne,

Trying to find a safe but working pain relief with arthritis and CKD is hard. What type of arthritis do you have? If it is rheumatoid, or Psoriatic, you should be working with a doctor to find a biologic that will work on the source of your pain. Many people put that off because they are worried about the side effects. Meanwhile, their joints are being ruined and the only alternative for that is surgery and replacement, which believe me is worse for CKD. The inflammation that is in the joints is also in the organs and everywhere in the body. So I take Orencia by infusion monthly and it has not hurt my kidneys. If I did nothing, I would be in worse shape than I am now.

I was using CBD oil sublingually, but have stopped because I did not think it was doing much except giving me dry mouth, weird dreams and it was expensive.

I do take Tylenol, but not often. I did not think it works as well as Advil, but Advil is what help contribute to my CKD.

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to Bassetmommer

Your right but I don't take CBD as vile stuff and in the UK its Paracetamol. I have biologic treatment.

WYOAnne profile image

Where is the arthritis? and what type?

I have had a transplant and cannot take NSAIDS, unfortunately either. I have terrible arthritis in my knees. I went to the orthopedic doctor and he prescribed steroid injections in both knees. At first I got them once every 3 months. It's been a couple of years now and it seems like once every 6 months seems to do the trick.

My husband has arthritis in his back and is helped by injections also. A pain specialist, doctor, does the injections for him.

If the pain is getting bad, this is something I would consider. Medicare also covers the injections.

I have Osteoarthritis in the hips, Rheumatoid arthritic in the waist, neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands and all fingers and thumbs. So when I'm told I'm a pain in the neck I can only agree!

The hips are manageable, the neck not too bad, the hands and fingers ok if I do nothing but the shoulders and elbows are constant with varying degrees of severity. Driving and light physical work or even the house work is the down fall. I have been managing this for some years and with no alternative will still manage it as best I can.

I currently am on all driving duties for my wife until she gets her ankle fused, which in this country is likely to be some time unless she lets me hit it with a hammer and then it is instant surgery!

The only alternative currently is to forgo trying to preserve my kidney function and take pain relief. Not an attractive solution, but that may change with time.

Codine is not kidney safe.

I used to take a teaspoon of raisins soaked in Gin daily, this does work but only for short periods at a time, besides I dislike alcohol.

Any physical work I do always gets me several hours later, allowing me time to do what I must, but pay for it later.

I'm unlikely to see a specialist for ckd until it is too late, currently GFR45. NZ is a third world country when it comes to the medical system, sadly. Preventative medicine is unheard of and help is only forth coming after the fact. For anyone wanting to conserve their health here it is heal thy self medicine.

Thanks for the advice.

medway-lady profile image

I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and most medication is ok , I'm on Benapli a biologic treatment. my function is 20% its fine.

Sadly the active ingredients in Benapli (brand name) effects the immune system. Not something I wish to do while Corona virus is about and spreading! Not worried about the virus but not inviting it either. Apart from all the other side effects it has including triggering cancer in some people.

Very few medications are acceptable for CKD, what is, is only of use if the pain is low to medium. All else have an effect on kidney function.

The choice is, how much are you prepared to lose for pain relief . A choice your Dr is making for you. For the moment I'm not prepared to lose function for anything, my choice. Ultimately I will have little choice but to take pain relief, until then I resist in order to protect what I have left. Meantime I keep researching.

Stage 3b or above is all about saving what function you have. Once you reach stage 4/5 the focus changes with a new set of rules. Then what drugs do to kidneys is not the prime driver. It becomes what is an acceptable loss in treating patients health requirements. It is pretty much a balancing act with trade offs.

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to

Sorry but its about risk and risk of the virus is more about taking proper precautions. Do you still drive a car more people died yesterday on the road than from the virus.

You asked about pain relief but if your looking for a magic drug well there are none.

RA is about so much more than pain and people die from taking paracetamol.

My function is 20 I accept the risk and bye the way the same drugs used to treat RA are used in transplants are you going to reject a transplant because you don't want immune suspensive drugs.

Sorry but I had healthy kidneys and crash landed into AKI at 8% now 20 but I'm told my RA drugs do not affect the kidney by my Consultant Nephrologist so I'd suggest that you talk to a medical professional to get the correct advice.

PS it might have an impact re Cancer if someone is diagnosed but its a strong warning to stay out of the sun still its the same for LEF, MTS, ARZ etc. I use sunscreen and a hat no problem. and anyway you must have tests before its prescribed its not for everyone but relieving the swelling does relieve the pain and fatigue too.

It is not about risk, it is risk mitigation. I spelt that out clearly to you.

At stage 3, which you are not, there is no need to mitigate any risk of kidney function. It is all about saving function as long as possible.

Hence anything that has the ability to decrease kidney function needs to be very carefully questioned. Exactly as I do and have chosen not to take risks that are not necessary.

Different game past stage 3, as I said to you.

But let me spell it out for you and I apologise for the bluntness.

After stage 3 the focus changes, it is more about saving life while trying to keep some kidney function. This is where risk mitigation is no longer an option but a necessity. And rightfully so. Medication that can effect kidney function is mitigated against life. This is what you don't seem to understand.

I asked a simple question and made it clear, I'm ONLY interested in scientific fact to back it up, NOT anecdotal evidence.

What part do you not understand?

People die from natural causes, so you would have me stop breathing in order to stay alive! I don't think so.

I don't see what your inference is of "magic drug" Have you lost the plot, very supportive!

I will not get the option of a transplant when the time comes, I know my fate and am reconciled to it. I will die when my kidneys finally die, unless the next bus along the road gets me first!

Just what I needed, sarcastic comments.


Oh, you didn't know I wouldn't get a transplant, poor excuse, you need to do better.

newdiagrice profile image
newdiagrice in reply to

This response is mean spirited. All caps is shouting. I don’t like to see posts like this in this type of forum.

in reply to newdiagrice


medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to

I've only just seen this how very rude you are. And rather silly too, how was I sarcastic you asked for opinion and if you don't like an alternative why post or do we have to feel sorry for you because I don't My life is good I take the medications and am glad of them.

And saving function what twaddle your rambling on about steroids can help in high doses or thats what I had both in hospital and for months after but I assume you don't want that either. At 20% I'm stage 4 and in far more danger than you are. So grow up and listen to your medical professional. I actually have no kidney medications as nothing can be done. So back off you are overbearing, offensive and rude for no good reason.

Oh yes, and I suppose you ignored the fact that most medications including RA ones are adjusted for low clearance and agreed by the Nephrologist and RA consultant. Even antibiotics are adjusted as with 20% there is no room for error.

Finally why would you not get dialysis I have friends on that for 20 years I'm not going to get transplant either as my kidneys are partially dead it'll be dialysis which is ok I'm sure its not going to be fun but its all about life really.


Everything is a compromise sad to say. I have stage 4 CKD and paracetamol are sweeties that cure a mild headache. My doctor gives me Tramadol and morphine, I sometimes take them both together when my athritic pain gets intolerable. Luckily for me mine isnt chronic but is periodic caused by long term effects of very high calcium and very bad gout. I have no idea if they are making my ckd any worse but do know that Diclofenac caused great injury to my kidneys so I never ever take Nsaids any more.

in reply to

What is life if not a compromise.

I can't even get the paracetamol to cure my head aches. I fortunately have a high tolerance to pain. Possible all the years I have coped with arthritis or just plain bloody minded. Or then again, I could be used to banging my head against the brick wall!

Where my health is concerned everything else is being compromised but kidney function. Without the option of replacement kidneys I have no option but to hang on to my kidney function as high a GFR for as I can for as long as I can.

Without kidney function I die, no alternative, death, finished end of story. Why would I hasten that for pain relief now. Even with pain I manage a life of sorts.

When staying alive means I have to sacrifice some kidney function, I can live with that. Well I must, no choice. But no compromise until then.

My choice is to accept the pain and keep the kidney function if a non toxic alternative can't be found.

It is interesting that those who are further along than I am don't see my point. Would you not have preferred to stay higher than stage 4 CKD, had you the choice? I do, I am.

I'm not berating you for that, I will eventually be joining you. But not anytime soon, I hope! I'll not compromise willingly, I'm fighting my Dr's on this as well, forsaking everything for extended kidney function.

It is kind of ironical that I am past the need to live and yet fight so vigorously to prolong it!


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