in my recent test my white blood cell increase.any one know about what the cause to happen this?
white blood cell increase: in my recent... - Early CKD Support
white blood cell increase
Hi lizaduke,
Here is some information from the Edinburgh Renal Unit (Edren):
'White blood cell count (wbc) White blood cells fight infection. Levels are often high during infections, but may be made low by some drugs, such as those used to lower the immune system (e.g., azathioprine, mycophenolate, cyclophosphamide) and sometimes also by infections. If the numbers are very low there is an increased risk of serious infection. Different kinds of white blood cell are added together to get the wbc. Neutrophils are the type that is most important for fighting common infections, and they are particularly likely to be affected by drugs.
Normal wbc is approximately 4-11 thousand million per litre'
Hope this is of help.
MAS Nurse and Moderator