can blood levels flucuate from 60 to 44 then back to 60
blood levels: can blood levels flucuate... - Early CKD Support
blood levels

I am guessing you are meaning your eGFR. My levels have been a bit up and down...not so dramatically. ..from31-39.
Others will probably know more than me but at least it's going in the right direction!
Just had blood work and GFR decreased 5 points since April. Maybe due to new required meds gabapentin100 mg and Prilosec . Doctor watching. Was diagnosed at 3b but now 3a and had changed to 2b. Age also factors in.
Yep. Mine fluctuates all over the place. In 2013 it was 51, went up into the mid 60s for awhile, then into the 70s. With lots of diet changes it went into the 80s, then I got shingles and it dropped into the 60s and after several weeks back to high 70s. Now, I've had some other health issues and testing which I think may have been a little hard on my kidneys so I'm expecting it will drop, but hoping it will go back up after treating them kindly.
I think it probably depends on your type of kidney disease. Mine is IGA Nephropathy and appears to be affected a lot by the many food intolerances I have.
is there a way to know what type of ckd i have?? my doctor is saying that it was caused by my ptolonged hypertionsion do any here what type of ckd caused by ptolonged hypertionsion thsnks
I'll be curious if anyone has an answer for that. I think the two main causes of kidney disease are high blood pressure and diabetes and that it would just be considered chronic kidney disease. Then there are many other less common causes. You can review the types here
I agree with all previous comments. I had two previous drops in GFR and just last week I went up to 51 from a 35. Still at Stage 3 but the big increases and big decreases in my case were more than likely from medications/dosages. I'm now on only kidney-friendly meds and meals and I'm doing all I can to hold off further declines. Just check all of your meds and look to any information on adverse effects on CKD. You have be the champion of your health care.

That's great news Mr Kidney! That's a major leap in the right direction!