Transplantedkidney withgfr24 cr2.8 protein+++age23 taking regular medicne and followups with Dr bp med also taking any advice i need help
Noni: Transplantedkidney withgfr24 cr2.... - Early CKD Support
Hi Chandgul,
Welcome to our community. You may find the following links to more information helpful. Even though they are sound, evidence-based UK organisations, the management of Chronic Kidney Disease and transplantation should be the same or similar globally. In the first instance, your questions should be directed back to your specialist team as they know your medical history and should be closely monitoring your new kidney. This forum is a peer support group and though the community has a lot of collective knowledge based on personal experience, we are no substitute for professional medical advice. Remember too, that your medications including immunosuppressive drugs following transplantation can affect blood test results.
Edinburgh Renal Unity (Edren) -
Kidney Research UK - Transplantation:
Hope this helps.
Best wishes,
MAS Nurse and Moderator
Sounds like this is something you need to talk with your doctor about.
I have also had a transplant but my eGFR and creatinine have been stable in the normal range. Creatinine has been holding steady at 0.9. Maybe you are showing signs of rejecting your transplant and need more immunosuppressants. Although this is something only your doctor can determine.
Best of luck to you!