I am suffering as are so many people, with little help/hope for a better quality of life.
People are suffering!: I am suffering as... - Early CKD Support
People are suffering!
There is hope for us on CKD. Diet and proper regimen prescribed can slow down the progress.
Good grief! I put this in the WRONG group! LOL So sorry! Yes, there IS hope for CKD.
Life us what you make it. Stay prayed up and not worry quality of life God has this in control.
Your life is what you make it! Take your meds, do your labs, keep your doctor appts, exercise, follow a kidney friendly diet, don't drink alcohol, drink plenty of water and relax!
Hey! I can NOT afford to eat what I need!! Also, I DO take meds and NEVER drink alcohol, your self righteous attitude sucks!

I am sorry that you took my reply the wrong way. But you are the one that posted your life is over and you are suffering. I have been there and done that. I also had a kidney transplant almost 19 years ago. I have done things wrong, as far as my health and just wanted you to be OK. That's we are all here for......to try to help.
Listen! I am in chronic pain because of government! Crazy! And you might be too! I'm sorry. I do apologize.

I am sorry to see your kind of behavior on this site. I hope you can get your needs met.
Is there any way in which we can help?
hi, in my researches I have found that Traditional Chinese medicine has a track record o between 11 - 41% in reversing stage 5 ckd . you may wish to also look into that and also ayurveda (they also have a track record in reversing ckd.
YES!!! I have read that too and when I can get the money I will buy it! God bless you!