Hi I have just had my first visit to an acupuncturist, which I found very relaxing. I mentioned that I had CKD3 and they recommended a Plant based diet, is there anyone who might have tried this?
Are Plant based diets beneficial? - Early CKD Support
Are Plant based diets beneficial?

Hello Bee28
The recommendation is good. I am also at CKD3a and follow an almost Vegan (actually I avoid animal fat) diet and acupuncture. There is a lot of literature on the internet about the benefits of such diet
Look at drmcdougall.com and nutritionfacts.org
I would be careful of potassium and phosphorous content. There are many lists giving you high and low content numbers and amounts to eat.
And most any nephrologist will tell that diet has absolutely ZERO affect on GFR progression until you reach near dialysis. Limit protein? Limit potassium? Limit a million different food items? Show me a study that proves something. They can't, yet they all tell you to do something. Again, show me the proof in a study. I think the only thing they know for absolute sure is that blood pressure can affect kidney function, so you try to keep it as low as possible. Hate to rain on anybody's parade, but so many different folks will tell you so many different things. The best, most funny line of all is; "You should ask your nephrologist." Yes, ask him to show you the results of double-blind, placebo controlled, clinical studies from accredited universities. Yeah, ask him THAT one.
If you are doing regular check-ups and blood work the you must know your numbers (eGFR, potassium, phosphorus). Try a vegetarian diet for 3 months or till your next check-up / blood work. If you see improvements - stick to the vegetarian diet that is working for you.
Hi saifomor
Yes, I agree, thanks for reinforcing that. I am due for a check up in Feb, so I will stay on the vegetarian diet until I get my test results.