There must be something that help for kidney failure cant only sit waiting for end stage there must be dr that no of something working when asking my dr he said he is not allowed given advice on herbel
Blackie57: There must be something that... - Early CKD Support
Hi, one thing my doctor said, everything that goes in has to be filtered. So for me it is wise to think that way. I don’t do vitamins, herbs, few medicines.
There are lots of things you can do to keep the functioning you have for as long as possible. Renal diet and exercise are most beneficial in delaying dialysis depending on what type of CKD you have. Working with your Dr if you are on medications that may harm your kidneys is good, & never take anything, natural or not, without telling your Dr. Most importantly, do not panic, live your life to the fullest, and know that you may or may not ever get to the point where dialysis is necessary. Worry and fretting are your worst enemies as they contribute to high blood pressure which is damaging to your kidneys. I do not know your age, eGFR, Creatinine levels or your particular type of CKD, but the above is good information in general.