Has anyone on here ever had cloudy urine and if so for how long, And if you got rid of it, How did you do it and how long did it take ?
draftee: Has anyone on here ever had... - Early CKD Support

There are two major possibilities. One is a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) and the other is the developing of Kidney Stones. If you aren't experiencing a pain in your side you may find it is a UTI. I would think a visit to a Nephrologist or a Urologist would be in order. If either of them concurs an Ultrasound may be required. However, in some cases, an order for a CT Scan may be needed. Make sure you have that done without contrast. A nephrologist will write the order that way but be careful of any other doctor in writing it that it's not ordered with contrast. After that follow their instructions. If meds are ordered check out drugs.com for any issues with CKD or any other health issue you may have.

I am seeing a Nephrologist first week in march, They sent me some papers to fill out, Info on all meds I am taking, All surgery's I have had, All past health issues and an order for a blood test two weeks before my appointment, My doctor has already sent me a referral that I need for the visit, Getting back to cloudy urine, I am sure there are different degrees of cloudiness in urine like just a few strands on the surface to water so murky that you can hardly see the bottom of the toilet bowl, I have seen videos on U TUBE of bubbly urine with protein and without protein but not so much of cloudy urine, Thanks again for your prompt reply Mr. Kidney......
Hope things clear up for you.
Dratee, yes, I had many UTIs last year, some starting with cloudy urine. Had an ultrasound after pleading with a GP - result showed grey area on bladder which fortunately turned out at cystoscopy to be a benign polyp. A urethra stretch was carried out at the same time in the hope that it would resolve the UTIs. It was short-lived - just seven weeks. After another UTI and a urology visit, I was told that they couldn't do any more for me, to drink an extra pot of tea a day, prescribed three courses of antibiotics to take as and when alongside a tablespoon of bicarb of soda in a glass of water. On the next occasion that I noticed sudden cloudiness, I didn't want to take yet more antibiotics (they always caused me a lot of pain and I worried that they were further reducing my already low sole kidney function - CKD3b), so I just took the bicarb but just a teaspoonful rather than a tablespoon (didn't want to add too much salt as I have difficult to control high blood pressure. Bingo! The cloudiness disappeared the following day. I can't for the life of me see how just one bicarb treatment would do anything at all but it did in my case. Worth a shot for you, perhaps?
Thanks Celtic, Are you talking about Arm & Hammer baking soda, I knew that you can use it to brush your teeth but I never thought about drinking it. Any idea why the antibiotics would cause you pain, I thought they were supposed to help with the pain, My last urine test showed some protein and my creatinine was 1.62 mg/dl. probably the reason for the cloudiness, I noticed that drinking more water has helped some........Thanks for your input
Hi draftee,
I agree that it could be anything, even a bit of dehydration. If I see it, I make sure to drink more water and see what the results are!
Let me know how you are doing!
I am doing good, Thanks for asking, How are you doing ?. My wife told me to get off Google and U Tube and just wait until my doctors appointment, I have no pain, No swelling or puffiness, No fatigue or dizziness, "' Knock on wood "" Just the urine issue most likely caused by my creatinine level, I have cut my coffee back to one cup a day, And I have a weakness for dark chocolate, Had a small bowl of them next to my chair but my wife hid them but allows me one piece a day....Dang it.....What did you like that you had to give up ??
You might want to go to the davita.com site and sign up for a free 90 minute Kidney Smart class in your area. It will answer your questions and lead you in the right direction to understand your CKD. I don't want to argue with your wife about this but the more you research and learn the better you will feel and be in control of your health.
I gave up quite a bit in order to live longer and spend my kids' inheritance. Going out to eat, Italian food, Asian food, all red meat, all added salt, bananas, whole grains, Bar-B-Que, all smoked meats (getting rid of my smoker really hurt), pizza, the occasional beer, hot chocolate, ice cream every now and then, and did I mention going out to eat?

Italian food, Mr. Kidney I am 100% Italian, My grandparents on both sides came over from Italy, I was raised on Pasta, Ravioli, noodles, homemade sausage, Mostly everything was homemade, My mother and her sisters would get together and make everything from scratch, Just the aroma from the home made bread would make your mouth water, My Dad would make his own wine, I remember as a little kid crates of grapes being delivered to our house, Back at that time they called that wine ""Dago Red "', Later he got into making his own beer, He had this bottle capper and he used to let me cap the bottles for him, After I got married my Mom taught my wife how to make the pasta sauce from scratch and other Italian dish's that I love, No Ragu in my home. I know if I am put on a strict diet that I will have a hard time but I will use my will power and give it my best shot.
Again thanks for you input....
I understand you completely. I wasn't raised in an Italian family but during my military service I spent 3 months in Italy and having to live offbase in local housing I had a family board me and they taught me how to cook. I'd learned many specialties but with CKD I had to give up so many of the foods because of high protein (red meat), potassium and phosphorous in the sauces and the high-fat content in other dishes. It hasn't been easy but as I said I want to stick around longer and to do that I have had to make choices. Prior to that I spent 13 months in Southeast Asia and learned to like a lot of the local food. That also had to be given up for a healthier kidney-friendly diet. Good luck with your choices.

Thank you, Good luck to you too.....
Yes, the bicarbonate of soda that is used in baking. No, I have no idea why the antibiotics should cause me pain but I never get the painful spasms until I start the antibiotics. One antibiotic also knocks about 10 points off my kidney function which thank God so far has usually returned to (or almost to) it's previous level. Usually, like you, when tested for/during a UTI, I also have protein showing, plus sometimes a small amount of blood and white cells. Yes, drinking more water is a must, not just during an infection but all the time. My renal consultant said that the urologist's thinking in recommending the bicarb was to make the urine more alkaline and less acidic. When I was discharged from hospital, I was given a list of foods that irritate the bladder and was surprised to see green tea and avocado pear among the culprits! I love dark chocolate, too, and have 3 small squares a day. 70% is actually good for you - in moderation of course! It contains flavonoids which are anti-inflammatory substances - no fear of my hubby hiding it from me - his craving is worse than mine!
Thanks Celtic, I am going to stick with the plain water for now as it seems to be helping my urine issue, But if it stops working I will give the baking soda a shot, I am glad to hear dark chocolate in moderation is good for you, Now if I just could convince my wife, I am going to get her to read your post, maybe she will come across with another piece. I am also surprised about the green tea'''
Good luck to you Celtic