recent diagnosis of ckd3. Does anyone know if certain medications can damage kidneys?
recent diagnosis of ckd3. Does anyone know if certain medications can damage kidneys?
Yes lots of prescription meds & over the counter stuff as a rule if you have a cold just plain old paracetamol & decongestant cough medicine a no no anti inflamatorys not good either ie things containing Ibuprofin! My husbands dietitian said no herbal or natural remedies either not unless you pass it with your gp! If in doubt consult your gp at stage 3 you want to keep it from getting any worse for as long as you can my hubby was stage 3 for aprox 16 years! x
Thx phillen
I need to review all my meds and start cutting! I am 84 and 16 years is a lifetime, I won't be here to see.
My Mum is 84 also & is stage 3 has been 2 to 3 for 10 years after kidney stones split 1 kidney & some blocked them long story but shows you can stay stable! x
Thx OSIDGE, I plan to do just that.
aspirin...too..look online...medications bad for kidneys..
Thx, God bless.
Hi I have polycystic kidney and liver disease. Genetic disease one your parents has to have it. Usually go into renal failure 😣 other things brain aurysym cardiovascular issues large cysts terrible disease pain really bad. I wanted give details about my disease. 46%funtion 3 yrs ago 90's %.anyone else have pkd? Sorry you are losing your funtion🐦