Peripheral neuropathy yes i have sensory motor axonal peripheral neuropathy caused by diabetes what would you like to know
Peripheral neuropathy: Peripheral... - Diabetes Research...
Peripheral neuropathy

Yes kept my weight in check exercised regular doesnt stop it how bad is yours
Do you have any symptoms
Its too late for me but i help if i can how bad was youre mam
Thanks for talking to me but im afraid its too late for me ive got all the nasty symptoms
Hello, As I have peripheral neuropathy and am pre-diabetic could you tell me how the doctors decided it was due to the diabetes? Also would you be able to explain the feeling of the neuropathy you experience and how is it treated. Any other information would be so helpful. Thanks
Thanks for replying. I certainly have the symptoms you describe. Firstly what is an ABI test? Until I see my lung specialist in about 2 months time my GP won't do anything further until then. They need to know (by eliminating colomycin from my system) that it is that causing my symptoms or maybe because I'm prediabetic with kidnypey disease. We will all know more, I hope at the end of the three months I will have been off this medication.
I don't know what AC1 means. If you could let me know I'll ask at my next appointment.
Thanks again.
Glad you got my reply with this illness everyone is different i hope i helped but the disease can manifest in many different ways hope you get yours sorted and stable soon
No, I didn't get your reply Buckie. Please send again if you can.
Hi basically your doctor will take your word for it about your symptoms and can diagnose straight away He can perform a filament test on yor feet which will give him a good idea i have had nerve conduction tests which are conclusive proof of what you have .My symptoms are burning stinging tingleing with pins and needles in hands legs arms and feet with dull aching flu like pains and sharp jabbing pains in rest of body and legs which arevworse at night and i cant stand bed clothes on me can be painful wen touching me hope this i get a lot of numbness especially in my feet and hands i cant feel pain from sharp objects and i cant tell tempertures hot or cold can be dangerous.
Well, I get the pins and needles in my hands and feet. The stabbing pains fairly frequently in parts of my body including legs. Thank goodness I still feel pain and can feel different temperatures. I still don't know how they will know what causes it though. Thanks so much for the information. I'm trying to build on my basic understanding.
Its ok its good i can help someone know there not alone if you need any more help dont hesitate to contact me all the best . forgot to ask are you having any balance problems can be annoying almost make you feel drunk🥴
Thanks anyway.