I have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and I’m scared about what to eat I really need help with the warm sensations that happens what can I use to help me please?
Help me please : I have been diagnosed... - Diabetes Research...
Help me please

Please try not to worry. We cook everything from scratch so we know what has gone in it. Also, cut down on sugar. I think some of the carbs change into sugar as well.
I don't want to appear rude but do you perspire alot, I do . I had to go to see a dermatologist and he put me on oxybutynin which causes had helped. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Hi Lovely2 ,
First, welcome to the group and thank you for introducing yourself. Second, can you please let us know if you have any food allergies? Did you talk to your doctor about the warm feeling that you get? For me personally, I get warm/oven feelings when my blood sugars are 300+. This started when I was in my 20s.
I don’t have any food allergies and I told my doctor about the warm feeling she told me it’s the way I’m sitting.
Okay. Has she talked about eating a low carb high protein or low carb high fat diet?
I’m just careful what I take in I avoid sugar and fat I’m trying to figure out what is safe and what is not
I’m doing low carb
If you're watching the fat intake, then your doctor may recommend low carb high protein since that helps with the blood sugars and weight control. Has your doctor explained how to count carbs?
No not a thing I have been doing it on my own
Would you like to have me send you a fake/sample menu for how to count carbs.?
Hi lovely2
I think to fob you off by saying it’s the way you’re sitting is unfair. I would see a different GP quick! Then, like others say, see the Diabetes nurse at you doctors practice- or ask to see one at the Hospital!
Then when you do, assuming you are in the UK?, ask if you can go on the NHS XPERT Diabetes course. This is 15 hours over 6 weeks. You will learn - in a very nice gentle way - all about Diabetes and what diets you could follow. It’s all very friendly and you get to meet fellow sufferers - there’s a lot of us out here!
Hope you do get it sorted and don’t be fobbed off, please!
i have type 2 and it can feel scary when you are newly diagnosed.
if you are in the uk as another poster suggested enroll on the XPERT programme. There are loads available.
Finding the right doctor is important and having a knolwedgable diabetic nurse if you are in the UK. All medical practices have one.
I hope you find the help and information you need.
Hi i think it sounds like me you could be starting with neuropathy is it burning and stinging just need to reduce carbs hope its helped .buckie
Eat less and exercise more and you will be cured. Get low carb foods you like eggs cheese vegetables ect. You can reverse this
I have been eating a lot of seafood I don’t really know what is safe to eat and what isn’t I’m going to try and figure out a list of things that is safe
Hi im on a low carb diet with small treats inbetween cheese eggs meat (not processed or anything processed) salads small amount of veg and fruit or vitamin supplements plus fish i know this because i have sensory motor axonal pheripheral neuropathy and autonomic neuropathy hope this helps buckie
Hi go on internet it will tell-you what are low carb foods you can also drink sugar free pop hope it helps buckie
Hi Lovely - have been diagnosed with diabetes type 2 for over twenty four years so have personal experience of the ups and downs of the diets recommended. I was able to follow
a diet where I removed sugar and confectionery and cut down on fruit and tomato juice, potatoes and chips, but after a number of years with no problems my blood sugar crept up so I was put on drugs. The drugs did not lower the blood sugar so you still had to remove all the foods listed. The drugs did not agree with me, and was threatened with insulin injections. This was the start of revising my diet completely. I found to my surprise that there are hidden sugars in all carbohydrates such as pasta and rice. Sausages might say they are 98 percent meat but when you cut them you can see they have bread in them and sometimes they add glucose to them as well. That nice bit of shortcrust savoury pastry, again contains carbs with the wheat, as does pasta. These carbs are hidden. The diet sheet may say you can have pasta as it is slow release carbs and won't affect your metabolism but I found out that the wheat converts to glycogen in the liver just as fruit sugar and milk sugar does. So it was a battle as I could not eat rice biscuits or rice, or sweet corn, and in some no sugar free foods for diabetics they add sorbitol which is corn syrup made from maize so you are back to square one. Many sweeteners in foods prepared in tins and soups are additives so you think tomato soup will be low in sugar when it is loaded with sugar and salt. I think you will be perfectly alright if you stick to a diet with a little rice and pasta, and balanced meals with meat and green vegetables and stick to your fruit allowance. Bananas are very high in sugar especially if they are ripe. Strawberries raspberries and other w fruit such as blackberries and black currants help to boost your metabolism. If you watch out for low fat yoghurts, this may help but all dairy contains lactase which is a type of sugar. Cottage cheese is lower in calories than other cheeses so you can find low fat cottage cheese may be with salads you like. Cutting out cola and fizzy drinks with sugar, may be ok but many are loaded with sucralose which turns into sugar in the liver so is no good for diabetics. The words sugar free can be taken with a dose of salts as they put other sweeteners in. Tips I have found useful is that oats actually can lower your blood sugar as they contain betaglucan. I make muesli with a chopped apple some oats and a few sultanas, and have it with lactase free milk. If the site has a diet sheet online, you might find it helpful and sure you will find after a week of following the diet your blood sugar will have gone down. If you don't have a glucose testing kit then I would buy one as it gives you feedback. If you stick to your diet and test your glucose levels after at least eight hours fasting at breakfast then your blood sugar may well be down to normal after a week diet, Best of luck. I'm still here and I'm over seventy!

Thank you so much
You are welcome sure you will feel better on the diet. Think the Uk diabetes website has a diet sheet which might be useful.
But as she keeps saying - she lives in Massachusetts - So it seems that she is not remotely interested about what happens in the uk....
Massachusetts has a health plan that is like what is in the UK.😀
So why does she dismiss the uk input? Ah well you can lead a horse to water and all that.... 😁

I didn’t dismiss it I took all the wonderful advice I got from everyone I really appreciate everything you guys are telling me

I was just telling everyone where I was from I’m sorry you took it the wrong way
Don't be too worried. You can still eat any type of food, but just keep your carbs. to a minimum. such as: white rice, white bread, potatoes and other sugars. Xx
Welcome Lovely2. You will learn in time, & this is a good site you have joined. I have Two of my mates off their T2 meds through good management of carbs.. Go for regular walks & keep active. More than 53 years I have been a T1 diabetic & I hate to sit still. Good luck!