Hi anyone got 1 or both of these?
Diabetes type 1 and fibromyalgia - Diabetes Research...
Diabetes type 1 and fibromyalgia

Welcome Lolabuny1. I have T1 but not Fibromyalgia. My good friend has T2 & fibromyalgia. He was in the Army & was a Brick layer. An ex footballer & quite fit. But is always complaining about his hurting limbs etc..

Many.Carbs and omega 6 are inflammatory agents. Going on keto diet as strictly as possible will reduce inflammation and that's the only remedy for fibromyalgia. Also Get ggt report done.
Welcome, I'm Type 1 with seizures(epil) Surarmo is correct a Keto diet does help with many illnesses. Investigate that option I think yo will find some relief by eating in this manner. Best wishes.
Hi yes already investigating these areas.Have they helped you?
Many thanks
Very much in both area's. My seizures have reduce significantly and are almost controlled by med's. My Tupe 1 numbers are steady and in range almost all the time unless ill or under extreme stress. My night lows are controled I do not fall to the 4-'s like I use to nightly, they are much more steady. It takes a real commitment to live this lifestyle but we have so many options now with new recipes opening up on the internet(PIN) you can find recipes for keto bread, chips and now even buy them in stores or over Amazon. To purchace is high they are good but if you do not mind cooking they are as good although take some time. You need special ingredients such as almond flour and many others, would would get the hang of baking. The basic recipes for dinner are fat rich such as a bacon wrapped burgur, or bacon wrapped meatloaf, grass fed steak very marbled a rib eye is a good cut. Meat should be 80/20 and if you can get if fatter better, we by direct keto meat from a whole sale butcher. You can make keto pizza's with cauliflower crust or cheese, hope you love cheese! Salads are good you have to watch the blend and what you add, a learning curve. It is not a nightmare as people speak of you are nor excluded when eating out people do not even know, you may ask for your dressing on the side vinager and oil. Two sides of veggie's rather than a potato or fries Ton's of butter no bun for a burgur that when I order salmon or steak, my husband has just ordered without the bun and asked for greens to be left or extra. They are very happy to serve you your request. This is getting long hope it has help we do truely enjoy the way our health has been. My huusband suffered from colon removal issues he has been on the diet 4 yrs and lost 60lbs and has maintained 3yrs, First yr lost.
Hi thank you for your reply and info I too have bowel problems mainly constipation.
Diabetics have lots of gi problems because the abdomen is a favourite site for inflammation because of large numbers of bacteria thriving well on high sugar in fluids, secretions. Once bs gets under control by lchf diet almost all the abd symptoms go away.
The keto diet has great balance effects worth starting as soon as possible. Keep in touch of progress.
Hi yes I will try keto but was told by a ds that it might be bad for a type 1 because of the ketones?
Hi yes im beginning to realize that.But I had abdominal surgery 20 yrs ago.And although I had ibs c things have got even worse since then.Thank you for the info 👍
Hi also what did you mean by gut? Test done? Thanks
I have not suggested a specfic test. Many keto diet individuals will speak of the balances in every area once on the diet. Both my Endo. and Neuo. completely support and even have dietian in office for consult. We have done the vast majority on our own to suit our diets. With the expection I need to increace my carb level to maintain weight I'm below weight levels at 94 for 5'5. This is a personal journay not one to be afraid of you can always stop if your health does not respond after a given time, but you must with all things give it a chance for adjustment. About 6 months unless your health becomes very seriously at rish at any moment or you fee, it might be.

It's a liver enzyme Gamma-glutamyltransferase.
Ok I will ask I do have a fatty liver and something was slightly elevated on one of my blood test.I had my yearly bloods done yesterday.What does this test do? Thank you
What you said.Fatty liver.If high, diagnostic and prognostic too.As fatty liver resolves ggt comes down.Should be below 15 u/ l when fatty liver is cured.

There are two kinds of ketosis.Physiological and pathological.
Physiological because of lchf keto range diet. Not harmful but beneficial. Also reduces insulin requirements.
Pathological because of high carb food and uncontrolled diabetes. It's dka.Harmful.
So don't worry for ketones. Restrict carb intake upto 30 g per day.

Can you please elaborate?
And would the lchf diet affect your cholesterol?
Yes.Positively.Lchf reduces wear n tear which in turn reduces cholesterol : ldl, tg and increases hdl.
Will keep you updated I know I was getting insulin resistant and have put on 3 stone in 4 years😕Due to see my diabetic consultant next month.
You are type 1.It's difficult to diagnose ir in type 1 patients. Your weight gain must be because of carbs in your diet and insulin.
Yes my husbands influence on the carb bit and he eats too much.Big portions.I don't know if keto works aswell as it does on type 2s? Do you? Thanks
Yes.It works on type 1 as well.
Ok are you type 1 or have fibromyalgia? Or type 2?
2 and no fibromyalgia.
Ok I forgot to say im also on metformin which I was put on a couple of months ago.Because of insulin resistance and it seems to be helping my sugar levels.
It's very difficult to diagnose ir in type 1. Let's know how ir was diagnosed in your case.
Non secretagogues medications could be given. These medications can increase the efficiency of such medications like metformin.
When I went to my consultant she said i was my body was acting that I was insulin resistant and I also had a urine sample sent off to exeter to see if I was a moody or lada diabetic.Have only been given metformin on top of my insulin nothing else.
You need to check if your pancreas is producing insulin.
First, at what age were you diagnosed a diabetic?
C peptide estimation in blood is the way if you are type 1 or 2. If your body is producing insulin, then c peptide should be present. Get that test done. If you are type 1 insulin and lchf is the remedy. If type 2, then lchf is the best. Metformin, acarbose and pioglitazone groups can be used in both types.
I had the c peptides test done and as far as I know I don't produce any insulin.Its a long story I had felt unwell for years.Doctors kept saying there was nothing wring with me.Then 12 yrs after me saying I didn't feel well.I got pneumonia.After that the thirst started and that was when it was found😕 I was 32.
So you are a case of lada.Treat yourself as type 1.Lchf would reduce your dosages of insulin and the complications of high bs. Take @30 g carbs per day.Go scientifically. Bring kitchen weighing scale, use calorie - nutrition counter application, measure macro nutrients.Your insulin dosages and bs would be more controlled. Avoid foods that raise bs beyond 140 1 hr pp but take care with insulin dosages too.Avoid hypos.If you are nonvegetarian it's better. You would be able to control bs well.
Thank you for all the info I just can't believe how fat I have become especially around the middle. I was always skinny only 7 stone after having children.I only weighed 4 stone 4 years ago😕I had abdominal surgery which I think had something to do with the diabetes it was a few months after that I got pneumonia then diagnosed with type 1.Although I didn't feel well before I had the surgery but I think it was the straw that hit the camels back.Do you live in the UK?
I live in india.Your abd fat deposition is because of high carbs and insulin. How much insulin do you take? How many carbs?
I have 3 units of insulin to every 10mg of carbs.
It's just one units for 8-10 g carbs.Learn from your doctor how to calculate insulin dosages but i'd recommend regular insulin rather than long acting ones. But final decision would be yours and your doctor's.
Well I used to do 2 units of insulin to every 10g of carbs then was told to put it up to 3 for every 10g.ie 30g of carbs I would have to do 9 units.I take 2 metformin after breakfast and 1 after evening meal.
I take it the lchf diet and keto would get rid of the abdominal fat?

😁.Knowledge. Reading.
Oh I see me too👍.Would lchf affect your cholesterol levels though?
😕 I have just ordered a keto for beginners book.
Have you talked about trying a low carb high protein diet plan with your doctor? I’m a type 1 and I eat a low carb high proteinand gluten free diet. This helps me with the control of my blood sugars during the day and evening hours.
Yes im doing low carb and keto now.How does this diet affect you?
I was told I might get alot of ketones?
I don’t have ketones with the low carb high protein diet since I’m personally not able to spill ketones. The diet has been helpful except for a blimp now and then when my number goes higher than normal because of a special occasion. I also use the DEXCOM CGM to keep my blood sugars down.

Continuous Glucose Monitoring system =CGM